Abi Ainley
27 / Female / Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since:
Apr 08, 2012
Last online:
Apr 10, 2012
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About Me
Sticking with the boring text... hehehe...
I play guitar and I'm in a band. My favourite person in the band is called Dave. Well actually she's called Helena Bethany-Lydia but when she told me a list of names to call her I was just like what the hell Dave. If I have to I call her Beth though.
My only friend at school is in the year above me and's called Charlie.
Favourite Music
I'm quite open minded really I like Adele, Owl City, Avril Lavigne, Blood On The Dance Floor and Kerli when it comes to pop/electronic music. But then I also like bands like Suicide Silence.
I'm mostly into bands like mcr, fob, bvb, patd, aar, aa, miw and stuff like that. If you know the bands you should be able to work out the abbreviations :D
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I don't really watch TV.
My favourite series (which actually isn't on the TV) is Vampire Knight.
My favourite move was The Grudge but I think now it's The Hunger Games.
Listening to Black Star by Avril Lavigne at ten past two in the morning cause that's who I am. It's turned onto You Be The Anchor by Mayday Parade which I guess is good cause it's one of my all time favourite songs...
I listened to Candyland by Blood on The Dance Floor at three in the morning once and I couldn't sleep afterwards. Now I think about it I haven't been able to sleep much ever since...