Another knife in my hand, a stain that never comes off the sheets. Clean me off, I'm so dirty babe! I Never Told You What I Did for a Living, by My Chemical Romance
Marissa Itsnoneofyourbeeswaxquitbeingadamncreeper
27 / Female / New York, United States
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jun 10, 2013
Last online:
Feb 04, 2014
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
You have rated MarissaMotionless
About Me
My name is Marissa, I am NOT depressed, I do NOT selfharm, I am NOT forever alone, I WILL NOT complain about my life, not sayin' its perfect, but I dont really complain much anyway. I love to read and write fan fictions, I like zombies and Mortal Kombat. Also im really bad about writing about mes so uh...yeah. I take all my pictures with my iPod, sorry. im told that im a good listener but honestly, I dont want to know your personal problems. im a little overweight, and im 5'2. But thats okay, 'cause I like me. You dont have to. I tend to be kinda off the walls sometimes, random moments but not like...annoyingly off subject every 2 seconds. DO NOT flirt with me, please. I have a boyfriend, I dont date online...sorry just covering bases from Vampirefreaks. I deleted my account. Too many pervs. If you want to have a conversation with me, have good grammar. At least dont talk like you're texting and DO have punctuation marks.
Favourite Music
Motionless in White
Avenged Sevenfold
Green Day
Pierce the Veil
Of Mice & Men
Five Finger Death Punch
My Chemical Romance
Memphis May Fire
Iron Maiden
Sorta Black Veil Brides meh
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Favorite movies: Favorite TV shows:
All Saw movies Inuyasha Rob Dyrdeks Fantasy Factory
Harry Potter Naruto Jackass
Lord of the Rings Family Guy CatDog
Star Wars American Dad Ahhh! Real Monsters
Zombieland Pawn Stars NCIS
American Pie movies Tattoo Nightmares Original Pokémon and Diamond and Pearl
The Corpse Bride Best Ink
Warm Bodies Faceoff
Alice in Wonderland (with Johnny Depp) Ink Master
Edward Scissorhands Guy Code
Sweeney Todd Girl Code
Warm Bodies
The Hobbit American Horror Story
Harry Potter
Lord of The Rings
Chronicles of Nick
The Mortal Instruments
Cell by Stephen King
A lot more
Education / Occupation
I am in my junior year of High School. So thats 11th grade, out of 12 if you live somewhere where they dont do it like that. im an honor student, English III and AP US history :) also im doing horrible in my college level Spanish language class, but im still taking it and passing!
Who I'd Like To Meet
MIW again - Met them at Warped last year, hugged them. Balzs hug was THE BEST.