Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. I can't fear death no longer I've died a thousand times. Why explore the universe when we don't know ourselves? There's an emptiness inside our heads that no one dares to dwell. Hospital for Souls, by Bring Me The Horizon
Marko Kurosaki
36 / Male / Meath, Ireland
Member since:
Oct 01, 2010
Last online:
Jan 08, 2011
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About Me
Lets see ermmm i like
makin friends!!I never lie!! Im intrested in other Languages Like
Japanese German French....I dont like fake ppl plz be straight with me
be yourself and nobody else!! I love Emo Girls there Sex!! Em Bite me Suck my Blood
Favourite Music
T3RR0R 3RR0R Paramore, Avenged
Sevenfold!!!! Be My Enemy 30 Seconds to Mars, AFI, Drop Dead, Gorgeous,
Enter Shikari, Emery, Boys night out, Thousand foot krutch, Bulletproof
messenger, The apperance, Escape the Fate, Eyes Set to Kill, From First
to Last, Funeral for a Friend, Greeley Estates, Halifax, Hollywood
Undead, I Killed the Prom Queen, Job for a Cowboy, Kill Hannah, Mayday
Parade, Mindless self Indulgence, Mozart Season, Norma Jean, Saosin,
Senses Fail, Sex Pistols, Silverstein, Shiny Toy Guns, Taking back
Sunday, The Academy is..., The Almost, The Killers, The Medic Droid, The
Used, UnderOATH, Upon Beauty Rests, The Bled, 1931, 42 Children Mauled
By Bears, A Beautiful Lotus, A Black Rose Burial, A Global Threat, A
Kiss For Corlis, A Texas Funeral, A Thousand May Fall, A Tragic
Downfall, Aborted, Aiden, Alexia, All That Remains, Alesana, Androgynous
Mind, And We Hope You Choke, Annotations of an autopsy, Apple Juice,
Arsenic Anna, Arsonists Get All The Girls, As Cities Burn, As I Lay
Dying, Assuck, Atreyu, Be Your Own Pet, Between The Buried And Me,
Bodies In The Gears Of The Apparatus, Bubblegum Octopus, Built To Spill,
, Chimara, Cholera, Circling A Rotten Corpse, Cloud Strife, Coheed And
Cambria, Colin Hay, Cunt Blood, Cursive, Dance Club Massacre, Danzig,
Dead Will Rise, Devourment, Dying Fetus, Echoes Of The Swine, Elliott
Smith, Elysia, Emarosa, Enigmatic Heart, Fallopian Tube, Far From
Tommorow, Fecal Corpse, Flesh Intoxication, For This I Stand Alone,
Force Fed Broken Glass, From A Second Story Window, Frozen Water Burial,
Gauze, God Dethroned, God Forbid, Gorerotted, Gutted With Broken Glass,
Heatmiser, Heaven Shall Burn, Hell Within, Hexah, Himsa, HORSE the
band, I Shit Robots, I, Sleepwalker, Incubus, In Flames, Into The Moat,
It Dies Today, Job For A Cowboy, Katastrofialue, Kissy Face Fashion
Faux~Pas, Lamb Of God, Last Minute Massacre, Malformed Fetus,
Malodorous, Misery Index, Mistress Maria, Modest Mouse, Morbid Angel, My
Mouth is Full of Dropkicking Astronauts, Napalm Death, Neutral Milk
Hotel, Nile, Nora, Obituary, Opeth, Otep, Pageninetynine, Panda Strike,
Pig Destroyer, Pinback, Plastic Surgery, Poison The Well, Rapture
Cabaret, Rise Against, Robot, Robot, Rogers Met An Iranian, Salt The
Wound, Samhain, Say Anything, See You Next Tuesday, Seman Across Lips,
Short Bus Pile-Up, Silversun Pickups, Swat That Fly, The Agony Scene,
The Autumn Offering, The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, The Devil Wears
Prada, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Emperor, The Misfits, The Number
Twelve Looks Like You, The Red Shore, The Truth Behind Philadelphia, The
Unicorns, The Varukers, The Xylophone Extravaganza, The Unseen, Theme
Park Massacre, Three Inches Of Blood, Tsunami Bomb, Turning Robots Into
People, Underoath, Vader, Veil Of Maya, Vile, Waking the Cadaver,
wecamewithbrokenteeth, Wilco, Winter Solstice, Words Are Enough, Zombie
Appocolypse, (the) Analyst, Animosity, Architect, As Blood Runs Black,
At Daggers Drawn, At the Throne of Judgement, (the) Banner, Belie My
Burial, Beneath the Sky, Beyond All Hope, Blind Witness, Bloodlined
Calligraphy, (the) Bloodstain Prophecy, Brother Von Doom, Buried Inside,
By the Sins Fell Angels, Byzantine, Capital Tragedy, Catherine,
Chiodos, Cholera, Conducting From the Grave, Dance Club Massacre, Days
Fade, Dead Man in Reno, Dead To Fall, Dead Will Rise, Destroyer
Destroyer, (the) Devil Wears Prada, Emarosa, Embrace the End, Emmure,
Every Bridge Burned, (the) Faceless, First Blood, For the Fallen Dreams,
(the) Fortunate, From the Shallows, Gaza, Genghis Tron, Grace Gale,
Gwen Stacy, (the) Handshake Murders, Hangtime!, (the) Heartland,
Iscariot, It Prevails, Kill What I Adore, Kingston Falls, Kissy Face
Fashion Faux Pas, Ligeia, Light This City, Lilu Dallas, Means, My
Children My Bride, Neocracy, Nights Like These, O' Captain My Captain,
Once Nothing, Paria, Premonitions of War, (the) Red Death, Revenance,
Rose Funeral, Salt the Wound, Scars of Tomorrow, Since the Flood, See
You Next Tuesday, Straight Reads the Line, This Above All, Through the
Eyes Of the Dead, Too Pure To Die, Unveil Nevaeh, Waking the Cadaver,
(the) Warriors, Woe of Tyrants, Years Spent Cold, Zombies Ate My
Neighbors, Adamantium, Air, Amon Amarth, Andre Nickatina, As Hope Dies,
As the Sun Sets, At the Gates, Between the Buried and Me, Botch, Brotha
Lynch, Carcass, Cemetery Man (Dellamorte Dellamore), Children of the
Living Dead, Converge, Creation is Crucifixion, Curl Up and Die, Dark
Funeral, Daughters, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Dead Alive,
Denali, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Dredg, Ed Gein,
Embodyment (1998 era), Erotic Nights of the Living Dead, Evil Dead,
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, George A. Romero, Goatwhore, Goblin, He
is Legend, Hell of the Living Dead, Incantation, Into the Moat, Ion
Dissonance, Johnny Cash, Junius, KillWhitneyDead, Kvlt of Azazel, Land
of the Dead, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mac Dre, Maharahj, Misery Index, Muse,
Naglfar, Night of the Creeps, Night of the Living Dead, NWA, One King
Down, Origin, Portishead, Prayer For Cleansing, Return of the Living
Dead, Sacramentum, Scarlet, Shaun of the Dead, Sneaker Pimps, Spitfire,
Tears For Fears, The Devil's Rejects, The Doors, The Number 12 Looks
Like You, The Red Chord, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Year of Our
Lord, Tom Savini, Training For Utopia, Undead, Undying, Vision of
Disorder, Will Haven, Zombie (Lucio Fulci's). etc.
Emo girl's plzzzz :D or is this about Famous Ppl? if so Hayley williams,Taylor Mumsen (im not sure thats her name ), Slash,That person who Owe's me 50 Buck >< lol erm ah thats it !!