31 / Female / Rose Gardens, United States
Forever Alone
Member since:
Nov 29, 2012
Last online:
Jan 20, 2014
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I'm a little bigger than 40 DD alright? So please don't ask me my size m'kay? Sick of people asking... (-_-);o
I'm not known for my conversational skills... But I do speak my mind when needed... I am UNIQUE, and WEIRD as they come and get.
I'm an artist and I view the world as a canvas... All colors, black and white all and everything, can happen, will happen, shouldn't happen and could happen. We're all master pieces and vauled "works" NEVER let yourself be taken for granted!
I am a writer and I am a poet.
Here to make friends and hoping to meet some cool people.
I do not believe in relationships... Never had much luck... Maybe one day I'll meet the one who'll change my mind.....? I was engaged once... Didn't end on a happy note. Oh well, back to life back to reality.
For some reason people have asked me if I am Asian -_- wtf? No offense, but do I look "Asian"? I've been getting that A LOT as a matter of fact! I'm half African American and half Native American.
I'm not into internet drama, in fact any form of drama at all! All the drama kings and queens TO. THE. LEFT.
If I don't reply to your message(s) please don't send me another 2 or 5 more.. -_- I find it annoying. I'll get to you when I can m'kay?
I'm real when needed, so if you come to me with something and if you don't want the honest to god truth, then don't ask or tell me. I can be very blunt and I tell it like it is.
I believe the saying treat as treated. Treat me like shit and I can be a real mean asshole. So please don't
I have many regrets in life and I try not to let them interfere with me. Everyone has problems right? Of course!
I love wearing different colored contacts.. I have blue, green, purple, hazel, and brown...
Anything you wanna know about me feel free to ask ;D
I have skype.... but I only give it to people in my friend list