Inesgotável fonte de novos horizontes, na imensidão me fiz canção, me fiz presente em teu coração, seriam meus versos em vão? Axis Mundi, by Fresno
29 / Female / Massachusetts, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Jul 31, 2012
Last online:
Sep 28, 2012
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Ayyo!! I'm Mikkie Mortified and I love black and neon colors, but mostly purple. I wear skinny jeans and tutus. I like acting like a nerd. I LOVE Hello Kitty and GUYS lol. I play video games. It usually takes me a while to get a joke. I'm not fake. I love having funn!! I'm super nice unless you make me mad or just catch me in a bad mood!!! So if you want to know more just ask!!
Favourite Music
Anything like ADTR, Nevershoutnever, Breathe Electric, Asking Alexandria and you get the point. I like music like that :b
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Cartoons!!! But seriously I also like shows with a good plot!
Anything with a good plot or just plain interesting. Like James Patterson said (or was it Stephen King?) Idk. If its not interesting by page 25 it won't get any better. Well, it went something like that :b
Education / Occupation
Highschool! I wanna be a cosmetologist yo! Haha (: