ive lost the moon while trying to count the stars, ive lost my mind but that's okay because I've been trying to fix my heart I've Lost The Moon, by SayWeCanFly
3 simple words
Time was short
Yet we all knew
A broken heart
3 simple words
can change
a life and world
up or down?
3 simple words
no one wants
the sound of grief
a cries of lost time
how do I learn not cry?
3 simple words
I never wanted to hear
that turned my world
and changed my life
I will never be the same.
______ had died...
You run broken and scared,
so young and afraid.
Afraid of being broken and left,
yet wanting to be loved and chearshed.
On your own not knowing,
all the dangers or the sweetness.
Never loving the little things about yourself,
but wanting to be told by someone.
You dont know what to do,
or how to handle all of it.
If only someone would come along,
show you all the wonders there are.
You wont open up for those wanting to,
locking youself away and holding on.
You want to tell your story,
shair with the world.
You see everyday the one you want,
scared to ask for their love but wanting to.
You paint the face on your heart,
ready anytime for love.
All your needing is the music,
for the rytham of your heart.
Takeing chances,
risking the beauty of the hearts song.
Your heart writing,
a book of love.
Sometimes not knowing which is right or wrong,
but taking a chance.
Not knowing which is a lie or truth,
but moving to find.
Your little heart so beautiful,
and alreayd loved.
For the heart of yours to be loved,
it needs to also give the love.
See love is like life,
and life is like a book.
Know your not alone,
for there is another heart the same as you.
Angels will fly and birds will sing,
so bear in mind that your heart will be loved.
Putting a lace ribbon around a box,
and sending your love to the one you want.
For then is when you will see,
all along your hearts were ment to be.
(I'm not a very good writer ><)