Can we ever forgive love for its pain
A tragic poem that forever burns on my brain
The city's sweat is scaring her into her dreams
As the song string the filler quiet evening. As I Watch the Sun Fuck the Ocean, by Boy Hits Car
Amber Lilly
28 / Female / Eustis, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Feb 09, 2013
Last online:
Jan 27, 2017
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I'm chill for the most part sometimes I get like mega energetic depends on the mood. I like all kinds of music alternative rock, indi,country,rap n RnB jazz whatever I deem to like at the second
I enjoy some anime when I get the chance and patients to watch it I'm A-DD so I tend to get thrown of course and distracted quickly I spend slot of time alone but always find time for friends andsomhow and Im a cat person go figure
Favourite Music
Social repose
Flatbush zombies
The used
Pink floyed
Five finger
In this moment
Limp bizkit
Buck cherry
Shit like this and that's 😊
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Harry potter
Jay and silent bob
Miyazak films
Stranger things
Batman begins
Batman in general
Angles Kiss
fifty shades series
Well damn I forgot all about this I haven't been on this page since 2013 and it's now 2017 I'm twenty now I was 15 when I first was on here so I took the liberty of updating my horribley put together profile which was a laugh to look at cause a lot of things I said I liked on my profile when I was 15 I no longer do and sometimes wonder why I did lol seems I've changed alot but not enough in some aspects. I always thought it be a phase with my depresion and anxiety but it followed me as I aged. granted I don't dress in head to toe in black clothing and I've learned I don't have to go over board with my eyeliner I still listen to the same music that makes my mother questin my sanity and I'm still just as socialy awkward though