I haven't loved myself,
Just watching friends online
Look like they need some help.
I never wanted to be thinking this loud.
I never asked about the when, why or how. Blonde, by Waterparks
Charisma (TrinityChainsaw))
27 / Female / The Deepest Darkest Part Of Hell, United States
Bisexual / Married
Member since:
Mar 20, 2014
Last online:
Sep 24, 2017
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Im uh,..DIFFERENT c: my favorite color is pink ^.^ and my hair has been every color lol. my natural hair color is a light blonde. i dont wear tee shirts cause they bother me. i have light green eyes. i have 5 piercings. my ears, tongue,a monroe and my septum.. im a PROUD scene kid cx any other questions..go ahead and ask c: btw if you wanna get ahold of me. my Kik is nikkisaurusrexxx my skype is nikkisaurusrexxx and my snapchat is nikkisaurrus
SO im not on alot anymore...aha..if you need to talk to me and it seems so very important, text me on Kik. my username is Space1nvader and if you dont want to, thats fine. leave me a message on here. ill update every once in awhile. just really busy. alot of stuff going on in my life at once. love you all dearly aha..from, NomsterMonster
Fuck relationships. like. honestly. forget it. friendships last so much longer. im so done with this "i love you" shit. it all ends the same anyways. why do we even try. its not worth it to hurt afterwards.
Watching all the movies based off of Ed Gein. GOD that guy was crazy ._. Anyway. Watching the old Psycho movie right now. Pretty good. Next up I got Leather face, Silence Of The Lambs, And Deranged. Anddd if you don't know who Ed Gein is...erh. Look it up o.e rather not tell the story.
So. Uh. I'm just layin here. And uh. I'm pretty sure someone just died. Or something. On my road so uh yea that was scary. Anyway. I lavh my nom-nomz Cx and I also miss him ;-; A WEEK AND AHALF IS LONG FOR BEING GROUNDED. Anyway. Back to my calmness c: I'm going to try to sleep now before the serial killer guy finds me c: Kay night.