Member since:
Oct 16, 2013
Last online:
Oct 16, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
im a bit strange.. O.o
First; Yes im really 26, and yes I know I dont look it.
Second; im obsessed with piercings. I cant help it. I really dont know why. I have tattoos, but they just aren't as fun as a piercing. Plus, most of my piercings SPARKLE!!!! which is awesome. I dont like sparkly vampires though.. thats just dumb.
Third; Well.. Just ask xD
Things I dislike talking about: "Swag"-stupidest word ever. Drugs- im so against drugs. But If you choose to do them its your choice. Politics-I hate Obama. Hes messin' up America. Religion- Just.. NO What I do For Fun- ANYTHING can be fun, provided the right company.
Favourite Music
Honestly? I love ALL music. There isn't a genre that I dislike. Right now though, im obsessed with Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, and Skillet.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Education / Occupation
I graduated Highschool. Thats as far as I've gone, so far.
Who I'd Like To Meet
Andy Biersack, Hes just amazing Kellin Quinn, Same reason.