If you wanna get out alive, whoa, run for your life. If i stay, it won't be long, til I'm burning on the inside. If I go, i can only hope, that I'll make it to the other side. Get Out Alive, by Three Days Grace
29 / Female / Bohemia:), United States
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Aug 23, 2010
Last online:
Nov 20, 2010
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About Me
The need to EXPRESS to communicate. To going going against the grain, going insane, going mad! To loving tension, no pension, to more than one dimension. To starving for attention, hating convention, hating pretension. Not to mention of course...hating dear old mom and dad~
La Vie Bohem.
I am the air
You are the water
You betrayed me.
My name is Tess
And there are some things
That you can't share with other people.
I don't believe in those things.
I live in a big, empty house.
I'm a rabbit, but from time to time I dress up as a panda
Want some bamboo?
I imagine everyone knows how it feels to be left behind
Or used.
I know I do. I'm used by my 'friends' every day. It's been like that for a while.
I don't mind.
You get used to things.
I'm that person who you think you've seen before,
That person who reminds you of someone
Who you used to know.
I can't remember all the times someone called me by someone else's name. I remember a once a lady walked up to me and thought I was her dead daughter.
'Cause I'm an actor. I don't have a stable 'Me'.
I'm just 'Someone else'.
I mean, I'm here. I exist. But what is to exist? The entire world doesn't know my name.
Hell, my school doesn't know my name.
The stable 'Me' doesn't exist. A personality, that's what I don't have.
Because if you look at me on paper, what am I?
I'm Tess.
I got suspended from school for putting my hands around someone's throat.
In first grade, I pickpocketed half the elementary school.
In 4th, I never got a grade below 98.
I'm Tess, the ditzy girl with the sweet smile.
I'm Tess, the serious, quiet one.
I'm Tess, the perverted, trucker-mouthed smartass.
I'm Tess, the dangerous girl with the 'Issues'.
I'm Rabbit,
The girl who is doesn't tell anyone anything because
They all walk away.
...xD That was serious, but it's true. Message me if you wanna be friends.