It's in the blood, It's in the blood. I met my love before I was born. He wanted love, I taste of blood. He bit my lip, and drank my war, from years before, from years before. Love Like Winter, by AFI
Rachel Beard
29 / Female / Alabama, United States
Straight / Single
Member since:
Dec 14, 2011
Last online:
Aug 22, 2012
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About Me
Oh kay my last about me was like really bitchy lol. Sorry about that lol. I am 16. :)I am a photographer and poet. :) I am a happy person most of the time. I am not considered emo I think labels are stupid and shouldn't define a person but I consider myself more scene than emo. I have a weird statement to make. In the emo song he says "emo is a cheap imitation of goth" if that is true wouldn't that make scene a more expensive and more colorful version of goth sense emo is a cheap imitation of it? Ha. Therefor Scene is BOSS. haha. Justkiddin' ya. But seriously it's just a bunch of made up styles. Everyone crys sometime. <3 I love you guys. :P
-Rachel Star Beard
Favourite Music
Favorite bands:
A day to remember.
Sick puppies.
Avenged Sevenfold. Hit the lights. All time low. Owl city.