I traveled through time to see ya, hoping to find you on the other side looking for something inside you, so hard to find in the dark of night Dark Star, by Cinema Bizarre
>...< - "Ready for my AMAZING story all you cuties?"
>...> - "Okay? Here we go then."
"September 19, 2017"
"It was a foggy cold Wensday, (Okay OKay...Forget the Drama) I WENT TO A TRAPT/SICK PUPPIES CONCERT!"
O>O -I'm not BRAGGING, I'm Just happy
>...< -Yeee!
M...M -Baaaai
>..< -"Hia Everyone"
-..- "Im Tired Today.."
!...! "Maaaaybe I should of slept more?"
>...> -"Really? That's what you thought?"
<...< -"Your Smart, arn't you?"
O///O - "Well...Im gonna go to sleepz then"
+...+ -"Zzzzz"