Alex Rose
30 / Female / New York NY 10013, United States
Member since:
Jan 10, 2013
Last online:
Jan 17, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hello... c: Im Alex Rose...
100% Not fake!
Theres a few things you should no about me... Okay...
Im a victim of builling :c The GIANT depression wave is over now, SO DONT WORRY...(Not like anyone will :/) Im okay now... they stoped they just ignore me... Builling is a thing that "SOME" people just think is just a few hurtful words, Its not!. So stop builling please, IT Kills people :c
You may think.. "why would someone bully you?" Well... Its because i have this thing.... Its really werid... Im 17... And im in year 8 im ment to be in year 10.! But i got kept down :c I only started how to spell a bit better when i was 8 years old... I was builled everyday in primary school so i got home-schooled. My mom is friends with a teacher in highschool, so i went to highschool... Im the most stupidest person in the school :(. When i turn 19 im leaving school and going to a very special school for any age :[ (I Bet 10 year olds are there) and then i can learn there. I dont think im ever going to get kids....!
The builles use to be my Best friends... Untill they got tired of me being NOT perfect... I have a few real life friends... But they are exchange student's... Not all of them are... The rest are builles :c
If you wanna no why i can spell good on the computer... I have a toolbar and it auto-corrects some time. I have got pretty better at spelling now! :D.... I,ll take of auto-correct NOW...: "Umhh see i cant speall as good as outhers". Auto-correct back on :/ See :c Sometimes it just wanna makes me cry... I dont want to be Perfect... I dont wanna be a Nothing... I want to just Normal... c:
I joined this "So-Emo" To make friends that can Trust me, Love me, Repect me for who i am.
If wanna know anything else just Messege me...
Auto-correct OFF
tanks for raeding
Favourite Music
Jeffree Star c:
Botdf :D
My little pony Music :3
Favourite Films / TV / Books
My Little Pony :) And... Adventure Time :D
Books!?... I dont read c:
Education / Occupation
High School... :( Im only in Year 8... Im ment to be in year 10 :/ I got kept down... :'c I have a lil thing... And... Yeahh... You will find out :(
Who I'd Like To Meet
Im just here to make friends c: Or meet a nice guy :D... Friends are kinda the only thing i really need right now... I use to have heaps... But ever since they went to year 10/11 iv been alone and had no one...