what if i can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat I'll be the fire that will catch you what's so good about picking up the peace's? Carapherneila, by Pierce The Veil
Jeff Bates
31 / Male / hull massachusettes, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Jul 04, 2011
Last online:
Jan 03, 2013
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About Me
We'll never really find those perfect words, Something more than just, goodbye. It's hard to remember the good times when there was just so much heartache, And they deserve more than that. They deserve more than just one single moment of sadness, so just remember, When there's enough love in our hearts to burst like a fuckin' supernova, Then there's sure as hells enough love in our heart, to spark that famous smile. We all lose someone at some point in our lives, But don't ever let go of that smile. Hold on forever, because that's our final dedication.
Favourite Music
top 5 fav bands are Asking Alexandria xD, Avenged sevenfold, Bullet for my Valentine, August Burns Red, The Used, With One Last Breath, Picture me broken, Inhale Exhale, UnderOath, Aglacia, Paramore, All Time Low, Bring Me the Horizon, You Me @ Six, All That Remains, Escape the Fate(with Ronnie), As I Lay Dying, Mayday Parade, Ellegarden, and Mariana's Trench and many many many much much more