Stephen Speth
30 / Male / Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jul 15, 2011
Last online:
Aug 09, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
What's up! My name is Stephen (pronounced Steven) and I'm a music addict. Pretty much anything will feed my addiction. I play guitar, bass, drums, and I even sing a little. I love seeing people being themselves and doing some hardcore shit! That being said, I absolutely love pushing myself to the limit! Surprisingly, I haven't broken anyhting yet.I do parkour, paintball, and other insane stuff, so don't be surprised if I do some random crazy thing! People say I give good advice so hmu if you need any. I hate seeing people upset and sad, so I always try to help. Even if you don't want any. I believe Haters are the worst people to walk this Earth! If you're a hater or someone who judges people, GO TO HELL!