I am a man who walks alone. And when I'm walking a dark road, at night or strolling through the park, fear of the dark. Fear of the Dark, by Iron Maiden
Rose Feline
27 / Female / Essex, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since:
Feb 21, 2013
Last online:
Aug 01, 2015
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About Me
hey there
I used to have an account on here but I thought I would start afresh and make a new one because my old username was stupid. If you remember a girl by the name of "hopelessangle" uh...yeah that was me... stupid name right? thought so.
my twin sister is just was annoying as hell lol but I love her. She is my twin and not many people have them so she's a gift and a course(not to be a botdf)
As for me well its different from the last time I was here. No more blood on the dance floor for me thanks. I am now a big fan of the midnight beast. They are from england like me and their song are just the funniest things ever. Yes, I have gotten into comic music now because it just makes me laugh and makes life just a bit more happy.
I am no longer friends with that sophie girl. We had a fight and I have not see her sectes but fuck her! I have cool new friends new
Toni- she was an old friend of mine. We lost contact but found each other on facebook again after 3 years of no hearing from each other. She is so epic, I might get her to get an account on here if I can.
Tiny- I met Tiny in year 9. she was a year 11 girl that was friends with sophie (ex friend) we meet because I was friends with sophie and to be honest the band green day was what made us become friends. Both me and Tiny loved that band. She is now in collage.
Zoe- I met video in year 10.My school had join up with another school in my home town and all the kids from that school were sent to my school. Zoe was one of the kids from the other school. We were both in year 10 and both knew I girl called Tina (more on her later) so we talked because we with hanging around with Tina. Zoe is now one of my most trusted friends.
Tina- Like I said before my school joined with this other school in my home town. Tina also came from the other school but I was friends with her back in juror school so we hanged around together. She showed me the wonders of anime and I have to thank her for that because anime is epic. Henti is too... wait who said that?
Louise- I have known Louise for the age of 12. She was one of the kids I invited to my 13th birthday party. Me and her have always gotten along. We are so different, yet so alike at the same time. This year I finally found something we both love: THE MIDNIGHT BEAST! We are both big fans of them and this has just made us closer because if we can't find anything to talk about we just start singing lol.
Anna- Anna I met in year 11. She was a new kid that had just moved from london to my home town. I remember the first time I spoke to her because to was only about 3 months ago. Me and Tina were sitting in the computer room at lunch because me spend most lunch times on youtube. I notice she was drawing an anime drawing on paint so I asked her " do you like anime?" she did! the next lesson I also found out she was in my music class with me.
Aimie- I only met Aimie about 2 mouths ago but we have come good friends quick. I met her at Toni's 16th birthday party (I have photos on my instergerm) She was just one of them people you knew was going to be fun. She doesn't go to my school but we hang out on weekends a lot.
Danielle- Like Toni I met Danielle in year 7 but she left my school at the end and join a different school. To everyone's luck she was at the school that joined up with my school. We met once again in year 10 were is was also friends with Tina was Zoe so to be honest I was just a new member of there gang lol. This luck didn't last long because we only got to spend year 10 with Danielle. Her mum wanted to move up north and Danielle went with her. She comes and vests from time to time but its not the same.
As for family life. I'll all good. My mum and dad are still together and that is some kind of a impenetrable in this day and age. They are great! my dad is always trying to make us laugh about something. My mum also likes to frow a joke in here and there. Its like with with two stand up comic's but they are far from that. Both my mum and dad are cops... yeah! that's right! both of them!
I have an older brother and sister. My older sister is the first born of my family. She is married with a dog now... my mum and dad are waiting for a grand kid and to be honest I wanna be an ante! A lot of my friends are but I'm not, not yet anyway.
Now my big brother. He was has had so many girlfriends I have lost count! I was almost married at one point but he broke up with the girl. Shame she was really nice and I'm still friends with her too. Apart from is girl problems, my brother is pretty epic. At the age of 16 he dyed his hair green, I don't know it was because he liked it or just to piss off the school.
Me and all my brother's and Sister's and even my mum have gone to the school I go to now. In my opinion it's shit! I can understand some of the rules this school has but "no pairings" "no un-normal hair colour" "no shaved hair pattens" the lists goes on! This school is so antie anything that is not classed a "normal" it makes me feel like a freak for wanting pairing and for dying my hair. I had my lip paired in year 10 and the words that said was this, this is quote for quote " it is unexspible for you to have that thing in your mouth, anyway in life" Oh! Thanking fucking love you too bitch! I don't say that but if she did say that to my on the street she would of got a slap in the face!
well I can't really think of anything else this is me, if you don't like it fuck it!
Favourite Music
the midnight beast!
Ok, ok here we go here go here go!
I am a big fan of the midnight beast! First heard them on the channel Lava which has been replaced by the channel bliss... fuck you sky! The first song I heard by them was Booty Call this I loved but after that I didn't really think to look them up or anything. Booty Call was in my head for months but I never thought to google them or anything.
I about a month of two late. Might have been a bit long or a bit less. I was watching Lava again and their song "Just another boyband" came on. Now this song I like too. I liked it a lot and I think with was the start of my celebraty crush on Ashley Horne or as I like to call him Ashley Horny. I didn't think of that myself it's he Instregam username lol.
Yet again I didn't look them up or anything of the kind.
It was twos later then I was watching Tv and an ad came on. Was my mind playing tracks on me? was I dreaming? NO! the midnight beast were going to have their own tv! on E4. I said not myself "most record" but as you know about know my mind forgets things for easily.
The whole first series was over before I even noticed I had forgot to record it! shit! what was I don't to do?
Like a knight on a white horse my boyfriend came down from London to see me. He always brings he xbox with him so we could watch tv on them web sites that have tv shows on... iplayers or something. He told me he had found this really funny how on the channel 4 site and that is what we were going to watch. It was the midnight beast!
So I had heard two songs and seen the tv show... doesn't sound like a big fan right? well I was going to the end of 2012 and I was walking home with Tina. By this time I think I had all the songs from their tv show on my phone. I know I had at lest begging. Tina got her phone out of her pocket and said " have you heard this?" she played I song that was a parody of tik tok and yes, you guessed it, it was the midnight beast's version!
When I got him I finally after knowing about them for two years, googled them. I found there youtube channel and found out they started on youtube!
I know have all of their songs on my phone and I have their book "book at us now" I will have a hoodie one day! I swear to it! I want to go see them live one day too.
black veil brides
This is my second band story......
Favourite Films / TV / Books
At the point you are probably hoping I am not going to write a ton for flims and tv. I am not because I don't really have must to say about it.
my fav film is without a doubt Sweeney Todd. It's a musical horror staring johnny depp and Helana bolern-cartant! and it was dieted by Tom Berton! oh this film would be been the best ever made if they did better effects with the blood!
as for tv, I don't really watch it anymore. I'm not youtube 70% of the time, 10% eating or drawing, 10% caring for my cats. the other 5% going homework or something bored and them 3% just listening to music (but I am normally listening to music while doing all of the above too) so I could say I only time 2% of the day watching tv and that is two episodes of family guy.
Books yay!
there is only one book in my life that the moment and that book is THE MIDNIGHT BEAST book at us now. I got it online because no where in essex had a copy. Funny how it did so well in the USA and Australia. It was wrote here and the people that wrote to were from london and yet there is not copies to be found in essex.
After I finally got it in the post I didn't stop reading it for 5 hours. It is the funniest book I have ever read!
My friend louise wanted a copy too. We were both searching for a copy all weekend but Louise's dad wouldn't order her one so I don't called bitch about 100 times then I showed her my copy. She wasn't being mean, she just really wanted a copy and I had one. yay!
Education / Occupation
I go to a really shitty school in essex. Most of the kids there are stereo type essex kids! Me and my friend's are not, lucky, well to be honest we are not the goody two shoes that the kids think we are.
I lot of the kids there think I am a pussy when it comes to fights and breaking rules but they have no idea. I remember this one kid his name was Scott. He was being a dick to Zoe, calling her ugly in the chav langue so Zoe kicked him. Him grabbed her leg and tried to pull her over. That is when I stepped in. I hit the mother fucker a number of times in the face. He ran home crying.
An other thing about school is the teacher, in my opinion I fucking hate most of them! They think they can do and say anything and they are always right, well if there is 25 kids saying something happened and one teacher saying it didn't I think it fucking it.
Now let us talk about uniform in this school. Everyone has to wear a horrible looking blaze. It is black with a blue ribbon around the collar and the school logo on a pocket on the left side of the chest. We also have to wear a white shirt and black trousers. I hate school uniform its a wast of my mum's and dad's money! I have perfectly nice clothes at home why can't I just wear them?
Now this school hate's anything different like I said before "no pair's, oh wait you have have ear pairing but nothing else" "no nun normal hair colours, oh wait you can have jet black or white but nothing else" WHAT THE FUCK!!! so we can have holes in our ears but not in our mouth or nose? "yeah"
"oh, you have to stay till you're 17 now"
"WHAT!!!!!!!" "FACK YOU"
Who I'd Like To Meet
just some epic friends will do me, I am not looking for an love because I am in love with my amazing boyfriend Hammer x
I thought I would post because I haven't in a long time. I'm in love and I have one more half week of school then its summer! yay!
I think my life is really going somewhere, I am learning guitar and I am away from the people that hurt me.
I can't wait till friday! I am sleeping over my best friends house because she has an xfactor audition the next day and she has asked me to come with her!
I am going to vlog the whole time so I have an epic video for my youtube channel! If you want to see it my username on youtube is called Rose Feline. I will not be auditioning because I don't think my voice is good enough. I can sing but I am not good enough for the fucking Xfactor.
I can't wait! see you guys sunday because I will be in london all Saturday.
last day of school for two weeks yesterday. It all great until I when to my friends house after school.
Guess what, my heavily drinking ex boyfriend is trying to get with my best friend! It's official I fucking hate him! I don't want my friend near a guy like him! I am hanging out with my best friend tomorrow and he better not come near to me or her!
All that this was to much for me and I did something I regret but I can't take to back now and to be honest to helped.
I was close to cutting again yesterday thanks to my ex boyfriend! he don't leave me alone, I have blocked him from facebook now. It was all I could do to get him away from me.
He threaten my new boyfriend too which I think I am going to have to end it with because I know having an ex like mine is dangerous and he could try and hurt any boy that tries to get with me.
help, what should I do?
I will promise this...
you will see me at last once a week! I will post new photos when ever I can and I will also write a journal so you guys know what is going on with me.
I hate myself :(
I broke you will my boyfriend on sat. I cried myself to sleep that night and then I had a day of people asking me why we broke up!
then on tusday night I was facebook and he posted a photo of him and the writing with it was "new pic new begining" what? I was his girlfriend not his whole life!
the next night I was on facebook and he had uploaded a photo or an entry photo frame. It was the one that had the photo of me and him in it. I was so upset! I asked him about it and he said he was drunk when he posted it.
We talked for a little bit and I found out he was drinking hevily.
Now because of me, my ex is drinking himself to death over me :( how will I live with myself if he dies from it :( I won't be about too
help me anymore :'(
Broke up with my boyfriend last night.
I cried for about an 1 hour after, I was crying for about 2 hours before because I knew I had to end it.
I am 15 and he is 16, I only got to see him once a month and all we did was have sex.
We were to together a year and I had gade wight because I was eating to much because I missed him. I was stress because we would talk via text and I would worry if he hadn't replied after 2 or 3 hours.
My mum was right, sleep does help the pain but it is going to take a lot of it for this is end.
I don't want a new boyfriend now for a long time. I just want to finish school and 6 from, maybe after school when I'm 18 or 19 I will start looking again but I am so ashamed of not being a virgin at 15 :(
I loved him and I give him it but I now I have no boyfriend and not virginity to give to the one I marry.
really need a fag but I don't have any!
I hate being under age! I'm under age for everything i do,
I smoke and I'm in a sexual realsionship but fuck it! yolo that's right I said it!
I hate my school.
and the teachers! well basing the teachers and students! oh and the work!
Today I was threated with a call to the cops because of a text message I sent to a bitch was as support to be my friend. She had said that my twin sisters (yes I have a twin) health problems with fake. She than went on to say that my sister was desabled!!
WTF!!! my sister has health problems! that does not mean she is desabled!
I was nice and first by asking her what was her problem? but she soon pissed me off! and I text'd her " just stay away from me and my sister and you won't get hurt!"
the bitch showed the year office and the head of year head they could call the cops on me because it was "threatening" WTF!!! not is wasn't if was a fucking worning!
the women are in their 40s, you would think they would know the differece! and I bet if she sent me a text like that they wouldn't give a shit!
I know they wouldn't! I was pin on the floor by a boy once and I was their pinned down for about 5 minutes before the teacher came to help! They could see! it I could see them! but they waited a bit!
monday tomorrow
More school and get to see my schools mates again. Oh and all the bitches and twats that call me "goth"! The ones that take drugs on weekends and have be pregnant about 5 times. Them kids are more popular than me. That is because my school is based around looks and objects. if you are not blonde and covered in makeup, you will not be popular at my friend. You also have to have a black berry and drunk and take drugs on weekends.
my school is lovely right? not.
We and my friends spend are time working on get grades so we can get a job when we leave. That is also why we are not popular.