Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of God has struck the hour War Pigs, by Black Sabbath
Sami White
30 / Female / Oklahoma, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Aug 27, 2009
Last online:
Aug 29, 2009
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
You Can Call Me Sami Lynn (: I Was Born In The United States Of America On January 25 1995. My purpose in life is not to impress you with brains nor beauty. In fact, I'm not here to impress you with anything. I am ever-changing & growing up more as the days progress... I have been through a lot, but I’ve never once lost touch of who I am inside. I believe everything happens for a reason. Just because I can doesn’t mean I will. They always say, "Time changes things." But, I’ve learned you actually have to change them yourself. I'm still in the process of finding out who I am, because I honestly don't know. Sure, I know my name, my age, and all of that basic stuff. Who am I anyway? What's so great about me? People might like my hair, the color of my eyes, or even the pretty words I speak, but I really don’t know why. It's nothing special. Blue eyes and Black Hair...Pretty common, right? A sweet talking Girl, with many failed-attempts at sounding intelligent? Yeah, how special?
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Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Hmmmm. Well I Don't Really Like Watching Tv. I cant sit down longer than 10 mins. But My Favorite Movies are.
Forrest Gump, Edward siccor hands, The Knowing, Passengers, And Rockstar. (: