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Hey, I want to live forever, I'm in love with the dark horizon, I'm in love with madness, Hey, I want to live forever, I'm in love with the dark horizon, In the moonlight I will bathe Elizabeth, by Aiden

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Sarahelizabeth


Sarah Elizabeth
29 / Female / Birmingham, United Kingdom
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since: Mar 19, 2012
Last online: Nov 10, 2012

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm sarah elizabeth, i'm 17 and in a relationship since 28/07/2010.
I am probably signed up on a lot of sites which i then forget about and can never access again, hense why i'm on here. No promises about coming back but i'm here now i guess, i just get so bored of the same sites. 

I like talking to people though, don't really use this but feel free to add me on facebook: www.facebook.com/lizzie.sarz 

Favourite Music

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation

Lode Heath School
Currently: Training to be an accountant.

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Oct 28 2012, 02:08 PM
Lol, you didn't, and yeah i can do, expect a friend request soon :p x
Oct 24 2012, 06:10 AM
I don't think you did, its not that hard lol in fact this is one of the more easy to use forums haha. You got different types of handset for the HTC, not like an iPhone where its just whatever generation it is lol. They're good phones though HTC's. I used to just use Nokia's cos they were easy to use and reliable. Ah i didn't know you could do work experience in supermarkets? Well the shop i went to today actually are advertising for a new store opening like 10 miles away. Didn't make sense to spend more time travelling than working. On to the next place to apply! x
Oct 22 2012, 02:09 PM
Lol, its a game of chance isn't it :p Its alright if its for someone's birthday or something but every week is just stupid. I'd rather use that money for something else. HTC phones always get a good rep with people, haven't heard anyone with any issues with it. Lol that kinda gets annoying if its not relevant to you or its someone you hardly talk to. Yeah i worked in a supermarket before and its something similar. They're good places cos the hours are flexible, the pay's alright and the work isn't exactly hard lol x
Oct 22 2012, 09:53 AM
Its a great thing! Except when being ID'd haha. I can be the same but not on alcohol and nights out, but because i'm fairly poor i have learnt to save and control my spending. There's programmes on TV which show 'City Boys' working 9-5's only to get drunk on the weekend each week. Bit of a waste of money. Yeah i think one of my friends has one, its thinner than mine! They're just as good as an iPhone in my opinion. Same kinda design and features. Just less money. Ah i see, so like one of those journal things on here, people can post, but it can get a bit annoying too cos most of the time you don't want to hear about it! Yeah next week i'm due to work more hours so hopefully more food money. I will have to apply for a job in Asda soon at this rate lol, staff discounts are generous i've heard! x
Oct 21 2012, 03:06 PM
You're probably one of the lucky ones who don't look your age lol. So you can trick people easily. £50-£100?! On drinks? Lol i'd do well to spend £30 in a club haha. I just don't get people who go out every night and spend their hard earnt money on it. I don't really use the market much but aside from that the Evo 3D which is what i have is very good. Actually the battery life is crap but its a good phone. I only use twitter and fb really, none of this messaging nonsense haha. The broadcast thing is confusing, what is a 'broadcast'? Yeah, meat's not cheap though, fish is cheaper. Lol well i am dieting to try to stay in shape, so no sugary drinks, chocolate or any bad stuff. Asda's the only supermarket near me which is convenient! x
Oct 21 2012, 02:50 PM
Oh right, so one of the kinda later birthdays, that happens everywhere though. August next year is ages away though lol. I don't bother anymore, its a waste of my time and money. Local small pubs is alright cos you're with your own mates and there's no Jessie J or pop dance songs playing in there haha. It would be great for people who don't like working 5 days a week lol. Who knows what the government will decide in a few years. Lol, i almost got one but settled for a HTC. I don't like being relient on a phone, i am guilty sometimes of spending time on it when i'm supposed to be social but i do make an effort to not do it all the time. Is that what the BBM thing is? Yeah i should pay more attention, tinned fish is like 78p which is protein, carbs i tend to stay away from cos i'm getting fat haha. I have a local Asda which has cheap food most of the time so it helps with the monthly food budget x
Oct 21 2012, 02:27 PM
Lol sneaky :p Are you 18 this year or next year? Some small pubs never check so you can get away with it. I don't like clubs either, paying £5+ to stand in a room full of loud music with a bunch of strangers looking for a fight? 3 day weeks, haha, doesn't sound right plus business would go bust! Well like i say, it would take something pretty big to annoy me, so you're alright. Makes me wonder why all the guys who are pricks get the girls....? They can be, or they're so used to their iPhones/Blackberry they've forgotten how to socialise. I'm hoping so too, living off 50p super noodles isn't fun anymore, so much its starting to make me ill x
Oct 21 2012, 02:16 PM
Suppose cos you ain't old enough to get into places yet its difficult. Weekends should Friday - Monday i reckon lol, wouldn't that be great? It takes alot to annoy me haha, guess i'm too nice for my own good sometimes, but yeah i don't get why people are really unsociable. Thanks, i'm sure i'll figure it out, its not nice being poor and having to scrap to earn money to eat for another week x
Oct 21 2012, 01:26 PM
Lol what do you usually like doing? You should arrange it for Sunday evenings. Considering this is supposed to be a 'social' site people should talk a bit more. Haha well i talk to everyone unless you do something to annoy me. I'm a bit poor at the moment, not getting enough work with Christmas coming up, struggling to pay bills x
Oct 21 2012, 01:06 PM
What made you come back? Lol. Its only good if people talk to each other which no one really does, not to me anyway. Things are good, could be better x
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