Chloe McAlinden
27 / Female / Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Bisexual / In a Relationship with Cookie_Monster33
Member since:
Dec 04, 2011
Last online:
Feb 08, 2012
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About Me
hey guys im chloe im not really one of those people who adore themselfs and have no problem talking about their selfs but anywaysFUCK IT!!! like i said im chloe im irish i adore turtle ^_^ their the cuteist thing eva! not much to say here...Errrr... i love my family and friends well family=at times they could drive you round the bend
living in ireland isn't so much a pain,pfft! who am i kidding i fucking hate it ;o take me home to live with you?! pwease D; xD
Supports gay marriage 100% i have no reason to hate gays or lesbians or anything to do sexuality or gender confussion because when you think about it we all are them we just dont know it
Religion im not a very religious person im a catholic yes,but does not mean i go to mass everyday and i hardly ever pray i wouldnt say i believe in god but he is a great helping hand when i need help xxxxx
when i say '''I Love You'' i totaly and 100% mean it weither its to a boy or girl does it really matter what i am ? if im a boy girl,lesbian,gay,trans,drag Most people use this a disadvantage in life to just pass the time But hey!its ur life live it liek you're suppposed to grow old with the ONE person that you love cheating is not the answer to get through in life trust me! i know!
LOVE Love for me is a waiting game because you're just waiting around on somebody or ''the one'' to come and sweep you off you're feet,it makes no sense once so eevr because ''the one'' might just be a word i thought i found the one 2 mounths ago then he broke my heart by dumping me because ''He didn't no me enough'' and '''because im to shy!'' at that point as most of you already might've guessed my mide started playing ticks... mean awfull tricks and i ended up hurting him emotinaly but not we're the best of friends just the way it should be so i say love is a waiting game you cant win you cant loose Everybody is both :D
Favourite Music
Asking Alexandria Sleeping With Sirens Misfits Slipknot A7X Blood On The Dance Floor Panic!At The Disco
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Harry Hills T.V Burp Simpsons Jamie Oliver's cook book Jamie Oliver's great british meal Familly Guy American Dad Furturama Naruto Frozen Planet
Haunted in connecticate A Nightmare On Elm Street //////// Are You Scared Camp Rock D: High school musical hairspray D: Twilight Harry potter deathly hallows part 2 Harry Potter chamber of secrets? D;
I dont read!pffttt
Education / Occupation
umm come again what?
Who I'd Like To Meet
New people with a sense of humor who can make me laugh and smile who has cam who isnt affraid to talk about anything from ages 13-17 Mostly Male sorry ladys chat me though ;D