28 / Female / Florida, United States
Straight / Broken Hearted
Member since:
Apr 10, 2013
Last online:
Feb 26, 2016
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hmm stuff about me.............I have no idea where to start with this, so it might be a whole bunch a boring shit.
I like making friends and im a talkative person. I would love to have a living gummy bear as a pet!!!! Weird i know but i absolutely love gummy bears!!! They are my babies lol. Playing the guitar is also something i like doing. It helps me to get my mind off of things. im currently working on a few songs im writing, Hopefully going to a recording studio soon. I like taking long walks at night. I have a short temper with a lot of people, i really do hate that. Trying to work on it though. Ummmm I dont really know what else to say.................................................................................................. <------ OH LOOK DOTS!!!!! Hmm I strongly dislike people who wants to judges a person before they even get to know them, and people that bully. I have been bullied a lot but i didn't let it get to me. I learned how to ignore those people no matter how hard it got. So yea ummm i believe i have typed enough here....If you want to know more just message me.
If dont like any of what was said up there^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Then keep all you stupid negative comments to yourself!!!!...
Also if you took you time reading this then i thank you very much <3
P.S. I Do Bite So Beware >:)
Favourite Music
A Day To Remember
Hale Storm
Pierce The Veil
Family Force 5
Asking Alexandria
Papa Roach
Suicide Silence
Falling In Reverse
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Tv Shows
Are you afraid of the dark
Burn Notice
Super Natural
The Walking Dead
Interview With A Vampire
Scary Move I II III <---those are the only three i liked out of all of them
Madea Witness Protection
Mystery books
Education / Occupation
High School
Who I'd Like To Meet
People I would like to meet......
Anyone that is crazy, funny, and a little bit weird but im will to meet anyone that is nice, and people that wont be so damn rude when someone tries to be nice and talk to them. Its easier to say that you dont want to talk right now instead of being rude.