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And the walls are closing in and you don't appreciate that in my hands tonight is where your fate lies Labyrinth, by Enter Shikari

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Sugarcane


24 / Female / Miami, Florida, United States
Straight / Broken Hearted
Member since: May 12, 2012
Last online: Jul 25, 2016

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hey! My name is Chantal. I live in Florida with my mom and sister. My life is ok. I am a HUGE animal lover! (I have 4 dogs and lots of fish)  My bff  is Lissette. I could make you laugh or cry if i wanted to.

Favourite Music

Deadmau5  ♥ Falling In Reverse  Justin Bieber Silverstein Panic! At The Disco Linkin Park  Breathe Carolina Alesana S3RLNeo cortex Rusko ♥ We The Kings  Calvin Harris Nero

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Anything on Netflix

Sorry, I dont read that much.

Education / Occupation

Going onto Highschool with all honours, AP classes and credits for Algebra 2. i actually care about school.

Who I'd Like To Meet

Justin Bieber ♥ Im ready to argue with anyone about this
Panic! at the Disco ♥

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Aug 19 2012, 10:48 AM
Aww thanks XD I feel stupid but sometimes I feel so depressed, so that's such a big help. Hugs you XD
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 12 2012, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
May 12 2012, 01:29 PM
Heya Sugarcane welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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Dec 10 2012, 02:16 PM
Thats just fucking it! Im tired of waiting for it to get better. No matter how much i wait, nothing changes. " It will get better " . I have been waiting for years and its the same bullshit. If nobody is going to change then i guess i have to. I love my friends but somehow, hatered is always stronger than love in my life. I hate my family and its the truth. I hate when people try to make me love somebody that i just don't love. I hate being a puppet to society. If only people knew the stress i go through every single day. I may be young, but that doesn't mean my pain is fake.
Oct 14 2012, 05:41 PM
I havnet been on this website for ages. I have een thinking of uploading more journals since it does help me get through things. I just havnt had time. Now that I do have time, I think this is a time were I need it the most. ~backstory~ *long My dad first cheated on my mom in 2001, when I was 1 year-old. My mom forgived hime but he cheated again in 2003 when my sister was born. She gave him one more chance but that wasnt the problem. He always left and came back at midnight. I almost never saw him. He would go to trips around the world to Panama, Spain, Paris, but he never wanted me or my mom to go. I loved him becaouse he was my dad but I dont love him because he has done nothing to help me. My dad is also very controlling and hipocrytical. One time I came home from the Mall with my mom and he got mad we didnt buy him anything. He hasnt given me a birthday present since my 7th birthday or christmas or any other thing. On my 12th birthday, my dad was screaming at my because she wanted to leave(i wouldnt blame her). I cried alot. I even thought of... well thats not important. Anyways, just yesturday he came home at 12 A.M. and when my mom asked him where he has been, he got so mad, he threw the candle-holder-thing and broke the TV. I have no TV in my living room as of right now. That's not the problem though... ~end of backstory~ I have always been closer to my mom. I do everything with her. Just Today, my dad (out of no where)decide to take me and my sister to a Sports Bar. I came back with leftovers and ate them when I came home. I didnt give any to my mom(who didnt come with us) because I thought she already ate. About 30 minutes ago, she came in my room and asked me why I didnt give her any. I love my mom and I felt selfish when I didnt ask if she wanted. She got mad at me and all I could think of ws how much she was acting like my dad, mad at EVERYTHING! I just really ant someone to talk to right now... Thank you for reading(if you did). These journal really help me remove stress in my life.
Aug 17 2012, 09:17 PM
Wow! I havnt made a journal in years! Well anyways, I have recently noticed I have only 9 friends on this site. Do I have a problem with it? Not at all! I actually feel like I should delete some. MidoKilmy is an awesome artist who inspired me to draw even more. ChikenNoodles (uber awesome name!) has gone through alot of bullshit. Yes I read people journals. Word for word. Necronekotukyrawr was one of the first people I met. We became instant friends! xxxxrosesbeautyxxx is awesome too! I feel like we have so much in common. And of course xXeMoRaCeRXx is the admin of this great site we all call soemo.co.uk! Wanna be friend? Lets just chat. Know someone you can suggest me too? No thanks. You are super enough yourself! ~Thanks for being a great friend~
Jul 26 2012, 03:57 PM
I havnt been on my profile in a long time so I am going to try and catch up. First off, I realize that this website are for those people who look or are interested in an "emo/scene" look. Obviously, I dont look emo nor scene. Well who says you have to go by specific guidelines to become emo or scene. Emo or scene is about letting your personality free; the person you really are inside. If you think you are emo/scene/rocker/raver/goth or whatever you want to be, then thats fine. Who says people with natural colored hair cant be emo/scene? Who says You have to wear black skinny jeans and a band T-shirt to be emo? Exactly. If you are still reading by now, I love you for reading this super long journal entry. ~8 billion people in the world; dont let 1 bring you down~
May 16 2012, 06:10 PM
Tomorrow is my Birthday! Im not one of those bitches that need everything in Hot Topic to be happy. A simple "Happy Birthday" means alot to me. <3 -Sugarcane <(x.o)>
May 12 2012, 02:07 PM
Bored as hell! But again, when am I not bored. Now Playing: Freaxxx by Brokencyde. I adore that track! Well, im off to do, you guessed it, nothing. -Sugarcane <(x.o)>

Dec 10 2012, 02:16 PM

Thats just fucking it! Im tired of waiting for it to get better. No matter how much i wait, nothing changes. " It will get better " . I have been waiting for years and its the same bullshit. If nobody is going to change then i guess i have to. I love my friends but somehow, hatered is always stronger than love in my life. I hate my family and its the truth. I hate when people try to make me love somebody that i just don't love. I hate being a puppet to society. If only people knew the stress i go through every single day. I may be young, but that doesn't mean my pain is fake.

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Oct 14 2012, 05:41 PM

I havnet been on this website for ages. I have een thinking of uploading more journals since it does help me get through things. I just havnt had time. Now that I do have time, I think this is a time were I need it the most. ~backstory~ *long My dad first cheated on my mom in 2001, when I was 1 year-old. My mom forgived hime but he cheated again in 2003 when my sister was born. She gave him one more chance but that wasnt the problem. He always left and came back at midnight. I almost never saw him. He would go to trips around the world to Panama, Spain, Paris, but he never wanted me or my mom to go. I loved him becaouse he was my dad but I dont love him because he has done nothing to help me. My dad is also very controlling and hipocrytical. One time I came home from the Mall with my mom and he got mad we didnt buy him anything. He hasnt given me a birthday present since my 7th birthday or christmas or any other thing. On my 12th birthday, my dad was screaming at my because she wanted to leave(i wouldnt blame her). I cried alot. I even thought of... well thats not important. Anyways, just yesturday he came home at 12 A.M. and when my mom asked him where he has been, he got so mad, he threw the candle-holder-thing and broke the TV. I have no TV in my living room as of right now. That's not the problem though... ~end of backstory~ I have always been closer to my mom. I do everything with her. Just Today, my dad (out of no where)decide to take me and my sister to a Sports Bar. I came back with leftovers and ate them when I came home. I didnt give any to my mom(who didnt come with us) because I thought she already ate. About 30 minutes ago, she came in my room and asked me why I didnt give her any. I love my mom and I felt selfish when I didnt ask if she wanted. She got mad at me and all I could think of ws how much she was acting like my dad, mad at EVERYTHING! I just really ant someone to talk to right now... Thank you for reading(if you did). These journal really help me remove stress in my life.

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Aug 17 2012, 09:17 PM

Wow! I havnt made a journal in years! Well anyways, I have recently noticed I have only 9 friends on this site. Do I have a problem with it? Not at all! I actually feel like I should delete some. MidoKilmy is an awesome artist who inspired me to draw even more. ChikenNoodles (uber awesome name!) has gone through alot of bullshit. Yes I read people journals. Word for word. Necronekotukyrawr was one of the first people I met. We became instant friends! xxxxrosesbeautyxxx is awesome too! I feel like we have so much in common. And of course xXeMoRaCeRXx is the admin of this great site we all call soemo.co.uk! Wanna be friend? Lets just chat. Know someone you can suggest me too? No thanks. You are super enough yourself! ~Thanks for being a great friend~

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Jul 26 2012, 03:57 PM

I havnt been on my profile in a long time so I am going to try and catch up. First off, I realize that this website are for those people who look or are interested in an "emo/scene" look. Obviously, I dont look emo nor scene. Well who says you have to go by specific guidelines to become emo or scene. Emo or scene is about letting your personality free; the person you really are inside. If you think you are emo/scene/rocker/raver/goth or whatever you want to be, then thats fine. Who says people with natural colored hair cant be emo/scene? Who says You have to wear black skinny jeans and a band T-shirt to be emo? Exactly. If you are still reading by now, I love you for reading this super long journal entry. ~8 billion people in the world; dont let 1 bring you down~

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May 16 2012, 06:10 PM

Tomorrow is my Birthday! Im not one of those bitches that need everything in Hot Topic to be happy. A simple "Happy Birthday" means alot to me. <3 -Sugarcane <(x.o)>

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May 12 2012, 02:07 PM

Bored as hell! But again, when am I not bored. Now Playing: Freaxxx by Brokencyde. I adore that track! Well, im off to do, you guessed it, nothing. -Sugarcane <(x.o)>

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