i'll never be what you want, i won't change any part of me just to make you stay, you had a piece of my heart but not enough to just run away, cos i know what's best for me! Never Be What You Want, by We Are In The Crowd
Sydney Gabor
28 / Female / Utah~Bountiful, United States
Member since:
Sep 25, 2011
Last online:
Sep 30, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Greetings [:
Im...Sydney? Im actually a very nice person. I have the weirdest friends out there(: Were the pack of weirdos who are loud and quite different if you ask anyone;Cos were not at all normal.And we will keep it that way(:
I have Green eyes and dyed black hair. :D
Im only 4'11... ^.^ So You will almost always have to look down upon me. :3
People at my school think im weird,cause I dont dress in flats,flowery dresses,skirts and dont curl my hair...Thats not how I roll. ^_^ Skinnys,Jackets,Band Shirts,Straight Hair and Converse All The WAY(:<3
If you were to encounter me alone...I will not talk;Only if you talk first,I will talk.
But on the internet in text like this,imm all out loud mouth. ;D
So yea...Some lilo' facts about me(:
Favourite Music
Black Veil Brides Snow Whites Poison Bite
Escape The Fate Paramore
Blood On The Dance Floor Skrillex
Bring Me The Horizon Beatles
HollyWood Undead Journey
Asking Alexandria August Burns Red
Fit For Rivals The Downtown Fiction
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Mumford And Sons
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Two And a Half Men Degrassi
Almost Anything on Cartoon Network. (:
Warriors. ^_^
Stephan King
The Clique Novels...XD
Education / Occupation
Student... =P
Who I'd Like To Meet
Touched Jayy Von Monroe and Dahvie Vanity. Must Meet themm!!
Touched Jake Pittss...Have to meet ALL Band Members of BVB!! <3