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Its sad to see people who hate nd don't realize tht everyone is the same but kind of diffrent so why bully them or make fun of them ?! fuck, by I Killed The Prom Queen

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Tantra_B


Tantra Bower
32 / Female / Brighton, United Kingdom
Not Sure / In a Relationship
Member since: Feb 04, 2008
Last online: Oct 07, 2011

Current rating: 8.3/10 (4 votes cast)

About Me

About me? I tend to be the weirdest of the bunch. There are a few people who I don't know what I'd do without in my life, I really wouldn't. I like to think I'm a friendly person who gets on well with people. I do speak my mind if someone raises an important issue though, whether they wish to listen to my on-going rant or not. :D
As you can tell, I'm in to a lot of Anime films. There's nothing better then sitting down watching a film with a nice cappuccino :D I do a lot of computer art, always loved anything to do with Media. :D

So go on, say hi! :D

Favourite Music

Saving Aimee
Tonight Is Goodbye
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
The Automatic
The Academy Is...
Mystery Jets
Escape The Fate
All Time Low
Metro Station
Flood Of Red
Inhale Exhale
The Devil Wears Prada
Story Of The Year
Slaves To Gravity
Glamour Of The Kill
Jet Lag Gemini
Billy Talent
The Metric Droid
Late Of The Pier
My Passion
Kill Hannah
I Am Ghost

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Tales From Earthsea
Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
Spirited Away
The Mighty Boosh
Howl's Moving Castle
Fruits Basket
Love Hina
The Grudge
The Butterfly Effect
The Alex Rider Series
Harry Potter
Pendragon Series

Education / Occupation

Well, of course I'd like to be able to see the gorgeous Andy in person one day :D. Feel better soon sweetheart. <3
Want to see Evie more! :(

MSN - tantra.whore@hotmail.com
Email - tantra.bower@googlemail.com

soEmo.co.uk - UK Emo Community

soEmo.co.uk - UK Emo Community

Who I'd Like To Meet


Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
User Online
May 29 2008, 07:19 AM
I could make the writing bold but that would make it more distracting for you. If the white box wasn't the full width it'd look messier in my opinion. As you know I will keep changing things here and there anyway and it's great to get feedback x
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
User Online
May 29 2008, 07:07 AM
Needs to stand out so it you can think of anything better im open to suggestions x
Emo Pictures - OurAndy
May 28 2008, 08:42 AM
Hey gorgeous baby girl (see you get gorgeous baby girl, not just the normal baby girl :P), Just a quick note to say yeah feel free to e-mail me if you need advice/chat, it's no worries and just for future reference you don't need to ask me, I'd hope you know I will always be happy to chat, advise, do what I can for you. Love you cuteness :P XxMwahxX
Emo Pictures - x_Ayak_x
May 28 2008, 08:29 AM
I did nothing >.< i never do anythingg.
Emo Pictures - E-K-J
May 27 2008, 02:01 PM
Weekend has been fun. My parents finally have stopped fighting so, naturally, i get lots of guilt prezzies. I passed 2 of my GCSE tests that i took last Friday. And now, parents bought me paint to re-decorate my room. Hell, life is pretty sweet atm. Yours?
May 27 2008, 12:40 PM
hey np i could be better
Emo Pictures - OurAndy
May 27 2008, 10:28 AM
Hows my baby girl!? Ive had such a random busy couple of weeks, in between, shoots, getting dragged into a catwalk show, forgetting power chargers for laptop, losing my phone and being a bit of a nomad my response has been spread over the last ten days so some of it may seem disjointed. :s Hehe Im glad youve been using baby girl. :D I have no idea whos to blame. :P I feel I should clarify that I dont address everyone as baby, you are actually one of three girls and three boys who I address as baby. I do have a few honourary babies but they get addressed with their first names, but you are one of the privileged six. :D Glad youve had a good week, mines been a nightmare, which I shall go into later. Magna Carta, is that the one on the PS2, erm Magna Carta : Tears of blood, not something I have played that often myself, only a few times though. I think someone I know has it, I may have to borrow it now. :D Did you have a good day with Evie!? It sounds like you did. Yeah she has added me; she seems cool and has taken the time to fill out her profile, which is all good. :D The good kind of crazy, sounds fun, at least a little craziness is interesting. Sounds like a great day and I know what you mean with seeing different cities / towns / locations etc from where one lives, it can get a little meh like you say after a while. Well weekend which was the 10th/11th wasnt that bad really, the one thats just gone was great up until me getting head butted by some idiot Chav.
Emo Pictures - OurAndy
May 27 2008, 10:28 AM
The new boy, affectionately known as Louis: Well we have discussed the new boy/Louis already via e-mail already and at some length. You already know the situation, but I am still firm in my conviction of keeping him out of what I decide to do. Just to keep you up-to-date, I have made clear my concerns to Louis as well. However at the moment he is saying all the right things, doing all the right things and perhaps clouding my judgement and decision making. I have already made the decision that I am not going to give everything up for him; I think that would be a huge burden for him and a huge burden for me so I have decided in no uncertain terms that Louis is no reason for me to give up everything here and relocate. I am looking at it from the perspective that I am not happy what I am doing as regards work, things look like they have dropped in to place that financially I would be able to go and pursue other avenues. As Ive already suggested though, I need to make this decision based on me and nothing to do with anyone else. As you suggest, fortunately its not an all or nothing issue though, I do have friends in London, I have even lived there before. I know if all went wrong with him then London isnt exactly bereft of opportunities. I do have to consider as well, with the way the I.T. industry is changing, I do need to adapt and I can see that the areas I wish to move in to are more easily accessible down towards London. Hehe as I have probably mentioned before, my heart is in a jar at the side of my bed, and it wont be going anywhere soon. He has managed to make a couple of small dents on the lid of the jar but nothing that would warrant any kind of compromise of the seal on the jar. :P Hmmm well thank you, I think he is rather lovely too, you should see him naked. :P *Andy receives a slap from Louis for that :D* Bloody Tossers aka BT: They still havent sorted it properly, but it has been better, Im utilising the wireless in the hotel at the moment and that is fairly stable. :D Tantra weekend socialite: Well sounds like you had and have a few good weekends planned, I hope you have a great time baby girl. I love catching up with old friends, people I havent seen for a while.
Emo Pictures - OurAndy
May 27 2008, 10:27 AM
The hot and the heat: I do quite enjoy the warmer weather and I am a bit of a sun child, however I am only happy as long as I remain cool, if I start getting too warm I do struggle to bring my temperature down (I have no idea why), I went to the Gunston 500 a few years ago and the combination of the sun and great waves was one of the best two weeks of my life. :D I must admit I tend to suffer from migraines more when its warmer. Hmmm I know what you mean with the barbecues, the odour gets to me, partially cooked, burnt on the outside, stinking marinated flesh isnt exactly my idea of fun. Ekkk, with your brother. I think people often think that just because we live in the United Kingdom that the sun is not really an issue. Ahem I do have a few summer incidents, however present company has a half reasonable opinion of me at the moment, so I will have to recount those to you at a later date. :D Deranged dancing and super happy screamy Tantra: Haha, I often embrace the old styles of GateCrasher, Passion, Slinky, Tidy, Hard House when I am dancing in straight and gay venues as I always have a strong desire to be doing something different to the masses. :P It is quite entertaining when I bump into a fellow old Crasherkid though, it usually ends up being a good old cyber battle, much to the amusement of the rest of the people dancing. As I said though I really dont give a shit, so yay me! :D Super happy screamy Tantra, hehe Im glad youre loving that, I think it suits you. :D Haha, hmmm more Andys in the world, I shudder to think, an army of mes, I would be scared, but thanks. :P Hehe, Im sure Ill get to fourteen in about five or six years time, or maybe I shall regress even further.
Emo Pictures - OurAndy
May 27 2008, 10:26 AM
Whimsical Laughable Muttering (aka Windows Live Messenger): Haha, Im glad its not just me, I am guessing that there is a built in intelligence scanner or something that stops you from signing in again if you are exhibiting signs on intellect. :P Awww the love will always flow baby girl. :D Damn! So now Im not retraining as a cherub? Id gone and bought my wings, got the harp, got a little sash, got the boy and arrow......bugger! Oh well. :D No time to have Never stand still weekends: Right to avoid confusion I shall talk about last weekend which was the seventeenth and eighteenth. I think Ive mentioned before that it was pretty good up until Saturday night. Friday night was Climax (a monthly LGBT gay night run by Sheffield Uni - http://www.myspace.com/climaxsheffield), I tend to go every month, its real cheesy pop and a bit of a mince fest but most of my friends go so its a good place to catch up and if I didnt go the babies would sulk. :P Anyway I had been in Climax for about an hour with the babies and decided I was going to go and mingle for a bit and catch up with people. I caught up with the Pride committee/crew lot (its getting closer!), I bumped into a bunch of the random family lot and was chatting with them for about the next hour. Then Henry came and found me(as usual) and said Andy, youre there, come on I want to dance, I'm in a grinding mood!. :P So after a little discussion about how I wont jump when he clicks his fingers, I did go and have a dance with him. Im sure that boy just loves to tease the hell out of me and see me get wound up. :P He was doing it all the more though, because he knows Im involved with someone.....bad baby! He is pretty though, this is him when we were on the tram home Saturday morning, I looked like something death had run over and he still looked pretty much perfect. :P Henry.jpg Saturday afternoon I headed back into Sheffield and met up with friends I know from Corporation mostly. They are pretty much all emo. We had planned a picnic type thing in a place called Devonshire Green (Square), however the weather wasnt up to much so we headed to the pub instead, we stayed there for a few hours then decided to head onto somewhere else, twenty odd already impressively drunk emos stumbling through Sheffield was actually quite an enjoyable sight. :D
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