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There's so much to say But no words to convey The loneliness building with each passing day. You never get used to it. You just have to live with it. Broken heart, by Motion City Soundtrack

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Teddy_Bear


Kia Monroe
31 / Female / Colorado, United States
Member since: Jan 07, 2010
Last online: Jan 17, 2010

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Name's Kia.
I'm sixteen years old.
I believe that life is something we should all cherish, but don't.
Love can make you or break you.
I respect honesty. Whether it's bad or not, everyone deserves the truth.
I don't trust a single person fully.
I like to write.
When I find a good book, I like to read.
I suck at school.
Without my friends, I would be nothing.
I will always be myself, no matter what you think of it.
I constantly make things innapropriate, we only live once, why be serious the whole time?
I sing with passion.
My family and I pretty much never have seen eye to eye, but I still love them.
I get emotionally attached way too easily for the way that people are now.
I want a close family when I get older.
I think racism is over thought.
I'm a very opinionated person.
If I haven't met you, chances are I have talked about you. Good or bad.
I want a lot of piercings and tattoos.
I'm a grammar snob.
I make Harry Potter references too often.
I like to give advice, but I love receiving it. Unless you base my problems on age. I hate that.
To a certain point, I believe that age is just a number.
I procrastinate all too much.
I don't wish on anything. Stars, time, candles on a birthday cake. Anything. It always turns out the exact opposite of what I want.
My birthday is October twenty-fourth.
I don't have a sexuality. You're going to fall in love with who you fall in love with, regardless of gender.
I love having deep, meaningful conversations with people.
I cry. A lot.
Marijuana should be legal.
My lip is pierced twice.
I cuss like a sailor and use the word "hate" all too often.
Everyone's a hypocrite.
I try to be happy and laugh all the time.
Death doesn't scare me. Dying in pain does.
I believe in a God.
I don't like hurting people.
I dislike people who are stupid to get attention. Let me tell you right now, it's annoying and it doesn't make people like you. So stop.
'Love at first sight' is a load of shit.
I don't talk politics.
I use big words sometimes to make me feel smart.
I desperately hope for things I know will never happen.
My body over adapts to its' surrounding temperature.
My cramps are beast.
I love to draw.
Favorite colors are purple, pink, and black.
Favorite food is mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets.
Love animals.
I like the feeling of being protected.
I over think things way too much.
I'm a sucker for guys with muscles, really strong[good smelling, obviously] cologne, and accents.
I love inside jokes.
I like to cook.
I act older than I am. Most of the time. :]
I like shopping for clothes and shoes.
I like being surprised. [Not when people are like.. "I have a surprise for you." Then they don't tell you. That annoys the shit out of me. Either tell me, or surprise me. But don't tell me that you're going to surprise me.]
I probably offend the entire world. Most of the time I do it pretty obliviously.
I like all music. Including... Dun dun dun.. Country.
I admire scars.
Sometimes, I like to pretend my life is a ballet.
I can talk for hours and hours on end if you let me. About absolutely nothing. Or things that just... Don't matter.
My idol is Angelina Jolie.
I like to listen to music really loud.
I don't think I'm very pretty, and I don't say that for someone to tell me that I am. It's my honest opinion.
I will tell you what I think of you to your face, and I'll probably say it to other people, too. Good or bad.
I doodle hearts all the time.
I think people are fucking idiots.
More than anything, I want to find someone who will love me back with the same amount of passion as I have.
Sometimes, I pray.
I dance with passion.
I'm a sucker for a good massage.
I really admire art.
I'm not innocent, but I sure as hell am not a slut.
I'll be the first person to tell you if I have a problem with you without sugar coating it.
I love to laugh and have a good time more than anything. :D
My ideal... Thing... For a proposal is a black diamond with a white box.

Favourite Music

[Breathe Carolina] [You Me At Six] [I Set My Friends On Fire] [Disco Skitzo] [Blessthefall] [Ivoryline] [Devil Wears Prada] [Escape The Fate][Five Finger Death Punch] [Sick Puppies] [Chiodos][BrokeNCYDE] [Eyes Set To Kill] [Guns N' Roses] [Iron Maiden] [Cartel] [Blood On The Dance Floor] [Papa Roach] [Bowling For Soup] [Black Veil Brides] [The Used] [Dot Dot Curve] [A Day To Remember] [Owl City] [Watchout! Theres Ghosts] [Seether] [Prince] [Stereo Skyline] [Red Jumpsuit Apparatus] [Kill Paradise][And Then There Were None] [Anarbor] [Aiden] [All Night Dynamite] [Cash Cash] [White Tie Affair] [Danger Radio] [Jeffree Star] [FTSK] [Framing Hanley] [Dashboard Confessional] [Friday Night Boys] [The Scene Asthetic] [These Sihlouettes] [The Midas Well] [Jamestown Story] [JamisonParker] [Trapt] [Alesana] [Techno/Pop]

Favourite Films / TV / Books

[South Park] [Rocky Horror Picture Film] [South Park] [House of 1000 Corpses] [The Color Purple] [Glee] [Modern Family] [Family Guy] [Dr. Drew Rehab] [Real World] [Scrubs] [Queen of the Damned] [Sybil]

[Go Ask Alice] [Suffer the Child] [Beautiful Child] [Kissed by an Angel] [Romeo and Juliet] [Sybil] [Great Expectations] [Edgar Allen Poe]

Education / Occupation

In High School. >.<

Who I'd Like To Meet

Somebody. Anybody. Nobody. YOU.

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Emo Pictures - lostinthedark
Jan 13 2010, 02:55 PM
you're welcome :)
Emo Pictures - lostinthedark
Jan 09 2010, 11:59 AM
hey :) i just have to say that i LOVE your hair.. and your eyes :):)
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 08:53 PM
yupp :) the screams , beat / melody and all that rock! But as a Christian when i understand their religious point of view, it really speaks to me :). he three songs i listed as favs sound awesome ,but what makes them special to me is the song meaning. I have to look into thier new album. SO far Danger: Wildman and umm Louder Than Thunder are beginning to catch my attention.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 08:45 PM
yea, they are Chrisitans and thier religon impacts thier songs umm like Dez Moines. It deals with persons being too concerned with worldly possessions but the main thing is - and i quote ( ill put the quote in anutshell) - its about how Christians attempt to preach the Word of God in the wrong way, by acting as though they are better than the people they are preaching to hence the lyrics -( prophet zero) . (what has come with such preaching is loneliness) "i also think that they might be saying that alot of times, christians get all high and mighty, preaching about things they don't and can't fully comprehend [we've all sung of the end, but who truly understands it?] and you're speaking in vain [some words are useless] if you're only seeking your own profit, ie. medals, ribbons, and trophies. what has come with such preaching is loneliness; pretty self explanatory, you're alienating yourself from others when you shove things in their faces." if you are using your religion/faith to elevate yourself above others or even if you just don't completely know what you're talking about, even the most "whole-hearted" will be attacked in their time of "weakness," hence the "time of blood."
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 08:38 PM
i love dez moines!That could be my favorite... I'm not sure. I'm Christian.. so i look at their songs from a religious point of view. "Dez Moines" "Hey John Whats Your Name Again" and " Reptar, King of the Ozone" would have to be my top three.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 05:13 PM
cool xD so what song by TDWP do you like?
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 04:51 PM
Oh why do you find emo appealing?
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 04:42 PM
I'm okay as well ^^ so what brought you to the site?
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 08 2010, 01:19 PM
Thanks for the add :] Interesting profile btw x
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Jan 08 2010, 05:23 AM
hey there, welcome to the site xD how are you? nice profile and display pic btw ^^
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- Meh. o.0

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