31 / Female / Did you know Hell did freeze where I live?!, United States
Straight / It's Complicated
Member since:
Feb 16, 2021
Last online:
Feb 24, 2021
Current rating: 4.0/10 (2 votes cast)
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About Me
I don't answer questions that are already obviously stated :) you either A read my profile or B close out of the exit symbol of the tab you're on :)
Was taken from my Alt Scene if you want a in-depth autobiography about me I've so in my direct links. You will find a saga about me. This was manly targeted for the people that harassed me on that website this isn't a direct attack for anyone here. Also for people wondering for my direct link. No you don't need an Alt Scene account to pull up the link.
✨ I might have over 5 mental disorders but that doesn't judge who I'm does it? But that has many arrows on my head
✨ Don't judge unless you know me for a few weeks ✨
For people wondering why I use the iPhone Mii 🦈 emoji a lot just reminds me of my young prince and also yes I've contacts but first you must go through my saga of a profile✨
Let's cut the chase shall we?
What I'm looking for in a man or a friend.
* Do I've eagle eyes for someone here? Maybe I do? If he sees this pro I wonder if he notices me on here?
* Must not be judgmental the first day of talking or being really antsy like a ant farm. Must understand my background s as a being and the reason why I act the way I do. Must have time for me. If you can't talk to me for a good amount of the day because your job is too busy then the odds of us working isn't in our favor. Must love animals. Mostly rodents + birds + cats and avian creatures. Must not be a horn dog 24/7 and I like my own personal space and some days I don't want to be touched or bothered or I get very moody. Must understand that I'm no refunds and no rebates. Once you read my rules on how I wanted to be dated you probably would exit the shopping window. Even worse than a limited release video game or a SteelBook no pun attended and making more Skyrim quotes or maybe I'll let this one pass. Which reminds me. Humor is a big key! Speaking of the boss key! I will heart your photo if I wanna talk, sending friend requests and inbox messages are out of style! I would love for you to send your socials to!
What I find not attractive
* Asking for selfies non stop every single day my face hasn't changed and looks the same so don't ask! Which I'm willing to give a selfie and a voice recording on a social media platform if I've what you've to show you I'm real. I also have no desire to go fake someone online like who does that? Someone that can't laugh or smile or can't handle a joke. I joke a lot so if you don't like that then take a hike elsewhere in the warm sands. Ungroomed beards that look filthy or a mop head of dreads. Skin I don't care if everyone has skin or teeth flaws or deformities so that's not really nice to call someone names because of that or make fun of them that's part of the reason why I never finished school. I know I'm making fun of beards and hair but that's a SIMPLE thing to take care of! Animal haters. Political ranters or someone shouting like annoying Talos! I will not answer anyone over the age of 45, Also my Son comes first if you don't like him or don't want to hear me talk about him then you can also pack your bags and freeze at Windhelm.
Also a few people requested that I should go gay or Les' no offense and I'm not anti gay. I just feel highly uncomfortable with that' I do have a judgmental family member that hates gays because she is brainwashed by the bible and can't make a life choice without the bible telling her what is wrong and right. I just know deep down within myself as a whole being going gay isn't my thing and someone that I lost contact said I'm a gray s'e'x'u'a'l or something that has a hard time being s'e'x'u'a'l unless on occasion' I never knew this was a thing at all until he or she told me as this was about two years ago so I can't recall the gender of who I talked to. However it's just like people that are gay' THEY KNOW if they're gay or not. So please don't be smashing your keyboard or phone saying you homophobe' No I'm not and in fact mild boy love is very great to see thank you and if a game can allow gay romance I will be a gay male' Also I will never play Persona ever again after I found out Atlus is afraid to loose their fan base if the company made gay romance in the game and that's just pathetic and you will not have my money either Atlus for Persona games because that just shows how fragile you're to keep your money tree going and I also read that some PS5 games will be $50-70 so most likely I will never own a PS5 unless the PS5 will go down in price for $200 for a system also Food Wars is one of the worst anime shows I've ever seen in my life my sister wanted me to watch that with her when I visited and I'm like no. Also Naruto makes no sense to me at all plus why the F' is there over 500 or something episodes? Insanity. I've liked the same anime for several years straight and I'm honestly bored of anime. I don't know if a music anime would interest me if any at all and speaking of interest beards are okay on guys IF well trimmed and clean! I've seen some beards on here that looked like they've not been trimmed in a good year or two or clean! Same thing with dreads! Some dreads look awesome on people! But for the love of the 9 and Asgard and more please just wash your dreads....because oh honey child I've seen some dreads that looked like heavy weighed mop on people's heads just no. Anyways I should stop typing and banter nobody isn't going to read anymore so why should I? Please look at my comment left on my main profile picture and also click on the picture with the one that has the neon yellow and blue Eagle Keaton. Also yes you must click on the photograph for the photo to zoom in fully and the time is almost 4:40 A.M. I think I should take my sleep root and go in the furs and go to sleep now goodbye ' Holy $hit 1:12 P.M. I just woke up' also no discord I'm to busy with my headphones plugged into my laptop listing to Nintendo Video Game music YT 24/7 stream and I can't talk on the phone anyways' I also would've make tons of effort to go grab my dongle out of my bag to plug in my headphones that's way too much work man but I love body design of apple so who cares! I'm also tired of Nintendo Direct always having to do a b'oob jiggle the first start of the direct then there isn't any throught the rest of the direct? So unnecessary and so cringe the Nintendo Direct was a total let down go figure nothing for Zelda Anniversary at all yeah f'uck you fans!
Favourite Music
So I know you guys are thinking....you're on a emo website yet you don't have any band shirts or anything? Yeah long story short I couldn't fit into my size 0 or size 1 skinny jeans anymore and needed a 3. I also couldn't get myself in a size XXS or XS anymore and went up to a Small or a Medium. But I'm sorry to break everyone's dedicated music bubble. But I decided that I will blow that money on a Nintendo Switch Lite Yellow to play ACNH. Ironic right? I didn't buy that on a new alternative wardrobe instead. Well there is always the end of this year. I can always just treat my self and by me a new wardrobe. However I'm more in the lines of Alcest and Amorphis now than hard*core as I was addicted listening to back in the day and other variants of core genres. I no longer listen to MIW or Asking Alexandria anymore and haven't for years and I liked I See Stars better anyways. I've always been the Erra. Invent Animate. Northlane. Novelist. Born Of Osiris. Miss May I. After The Burial an so on. I plan to get back into this music and make a brand new Last.fm account. My favorite brand of skinny jeans sense this is an emo website was Royal Bones. Tripp. Lovesick. But I was super in love with split legged jeans from Royal Bones which means one leg is purple the other leg is black etc. Anyways your questions are probably burning right now do you miss the alternative fashion? Heck yes I do! Of course! Without a doubt! The only thing that wasn't so alternative about me as I was a basic b'itch LMAO. Black slip on shoes or creepers or a pair of black combat boots. I also think makeup is a waste of money so there is that LMAO. So very basic. Just some alternative styled skinny jeans + band t shirt + stud belt and simple pair of black shoes or boots and layered hair. Yep that was me haha.
Also from here and there I do listen to video game soundtracks as well :)
Favourite Films / TV / Books
My favorite series out of all of them
As always plus the devil teddy was awesome and Shock + Lock + Barrel are amazing
I also like some Star Wars and Harry Potter. However I hated the last two series. However I'm not a huge movie fanatic and I'm also getting bored of anime. I'm not sure if a music anime would entertain me much. However I randomly find stuff on YT or cooking shows even though I have no little motivation to cook haha. How ironic.
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
Also remember! Yaoi Hands!
Yamel. Saieh. Helioux. Hector. Silius.
Education / Occupation
🌐 Handles and a faster response
IG NeoSuitBahamut
You can find me with all the numbers you can just type in the short ver and I will come up this is manly a ACNH feed to store my snapshots off my Yellow Switch Lite and life blog what I do in my life etc and so basically a dumpster dive storage unit 🌐
Snap beelzebubpants
And also this place likes to remove friends for no reason or says pending if this happens just try adding me I guess
GH and ✉️ snakesayswilde for G-Hood ✉️
And let me know who you're as well by your Emo U.K. username or link etc!
So I hope the admin keeps me on here if I want to go away for a few months. The harassment and bullying over my new journal is enough. I already had to delete two people off my Snapchat and three people blocked me and the two I deleted refused to read my journal even though they're the ones THAT ASKED ABOUT MY HOBBIES and one about VIDEO GAMES. You do understand I and I keep repeating this on my main page nobody is forced to read this in one sitting do you understand that? I love how people ask me my past experience on alternative websites but what I got too say is too long for them to handle to read. Maybe next time you shouldn't ask. One of the person I had to remove said some people may not like your approach and not want to know you like a book. I've said this countless of painful times I SIMPLY DON'T LIKE REPEATING MYSELF UNLESS I'VE TO which is normally when my dad forgets something or whatever. Another thing is people need to wake up and smell the coffee there is a text limiter on Snapchat and IG what I've to say will not fit! Also there is a 2,500 text limit I think on both IG and Snapchat.
Another thing that is amusing people ask what video games or hobbies I'm. Do you really think I'm just going to list a few games? No. Getting me to text about my favorite video games would be what you saw in my journal! Again if you simply can't handle your question and the length of your question in response to my answer then that's your own problem!
I'm sorry but I simply had enough!
''It's a dangerous thing...having a conscience...''
Coming back on here and tried another emo website and there were to many fakes.
This will be a journal of random rants I've with people not on here but on a old alternative dating site called Altscene and I don't recommend that site to anyone. This will also include my hobbies such as do I've anything I want to collect? This also will give people insight of my favorite video games and already said and done as well! So let's begin the saga!
Anything weird on here? This was a interesting first question I got from someone.
Let's go to Altscene this is just my experience in this place not trying to bash the owner of the website as I don't know who he is but I was told by users he has an account there but I never noticed. Anyways I've had tons of sexual harassment there and bullying. I've had a 51 one year old guy tell me I know I'm to old for you but let me be your friend so I can take care of you and pamper you like WTF? Also had a guy from Iran ask me to be his queen his inbox message was marriage request or something amongst those lines. I had a guy with nerve of steel that asked me why are you mad I was asking for nudes. My response was you know I'm about to be 28 and I've morals as a single parent? I got blocked shortly after haha! Speaking of which I had a guy on there that said sorry I don't talk to single parents or be friends with them. I told him this wasn't on your profile as soon as I confronted him I got blocked. I also got called pyscopathic and insane for being a spiritualist which I've never enforced anyone on the website or messaged people about that was on my profile. Also I got called a self centered bitch for saying that I've Autism. Because he couldn't figure out why I was talking weird and why I was saying the things I do like. Not understanding communication text like emotional understanding. Not being aware of the person's feelings or what they were conveying. He precedes to tell me I've Autism to but that doesn't mean I'm going to use that an excuse for not trying to talk like a normal person you self centered bitch. Then I blocked him that was a tad way too bit extreme for someone to go that far.
Now I want to spare people the idea of a judge of anti weed. No people have ruined my trust with those that smoke the plant. For example this guy on Alt I asked him if he could buy me a $10-15 Birthday gift as I would mail him one as well he told me sorry I spent that money on weed and I don't have money because I've to pay my bills and stuff now like WTF? That's like for me if I were to use my aunt's cleaning money and just thought ''well let me go buy something else instead of a gift for my friend'' that's highly fucked up. I had a guy on Alt also that I couldn't figure out why he hasn't messaged me in a few days. So I looked at his IG page * no I didn't stalk him * we shared are socials. He was showing how high he was and he was posting how cool that was. So one of his friends commented on his post an he replied back so I caught him in the act and messaged him and then he put his profile on private. But I talked to him a month go to see if maybe there might be a second chance but he blocked me. So for people that smoke weed and I don't trust you right off the bat I've a reason! As you can tell! Same goes for cig smokers the smell gives me headaches and makes my eyes puffy but what I've a problem with cigs is my aunt that is 60 had her teeth falling out from what her doctor said about her tooth pain and she only had three good teeth left on the bottom so the reason why her teeth were hurting so bad is her teeth were starting to fall out so that means she had gum disease and she didn't want to tell me the true story. She also told me how sad it is she is the only one in the family that has false teeth. I'm just thinking to my self. No fucking shit maybe you would've thought twice about smoking. Also she shouldn't be smoking in the first place either because she has Crohn's disease. Also before the gum disease remember her complaining about her skin being really dry and I'm like thinking well duh....that what smoking does to you makes your skin like leather. Also peer pressured drugs to one of my ex has completely changed my life and I will not to anyone that does hardcore drugs. But let's go on brighter subjects.
I see this as a hobby to collect things etc. This should be a clear give away of what I'm into if this doesn't then I've no hope anymore.
So I was thinking instead of flooding my Wishlist with tons of Pokémon stuff I can just do this instead.
https://www.etsy.com/listing/839182419/hitorijime-my-hero-holo-stickers-kousuke?ref=user_profile and I would love both stickers :)
Favorite Pokémon types are
Pokémon types are Water. Ice. Dragon. Ghost. Poison and Bug. I love Pokémon!
Also looking for Zoroark plushies and Zorua plus figures and I would want a surprise so not listing plushies here and I don't have any and don't plan on buying any plushies anytime soon anyways LOL
Favorite Pokémon trainers and that is N or Grimsley. I would love a Grimsley card!
Looking for Halloween plush of Lucario and looking a Pokémon Center Entei
Servine and Snivy figure
Pikachu shirts looking for ones that are black but with neon or bold prints plus looking for a gray one with a angry or many facial expressions of Pikachu these are the main colors I want if the shirt was white I would love bold and bright colors on the fabric etc and also looking for on Pokémon Center Exploring with Evee and Mew Mythical Mana and looking for vintage Raichu items as well
Looking for Pokémon Eevee and friends dreaming and I like any Pokémon that’s in a sleeping pose. Also looking for random figures of Tyrunt and Beedrill and Lugia and Spearow and Mienshao and Bouffalant and Teddiursa and Rockruff and Mothim and Scyther and Dialga and Bisharp and Kyogre. Also looking for Pokémon themed DS stylus and also the Black and White kit etc. Looking for Pokémon Center Vaporeon aqua rinig figure and Vulpix fire spin figure from Pokémon center as well
What do I think about Pokémon Center shirt quality? Awful for the price. My sister bought me a shirt mind you a $30 shirt and I only had this shirt for three years....well one day the shirt got accidently put in the dryer because I confused that shirt with another one of my gray ones and mind you this shirt was put in a dryer with a medium size load and low heat and INSIDE OUT and the dryer was set on low for an hour. Come to find out the back part of shirt where there is prints and designs cracked some. I checked the tag and the shirt said that the shirt can be put on low heat. When I told my sister this she was in shock. She was like that shirt was expensive I expected so much more! So that tells me that Pokémon Center uses cheap A$$ ink. Their socks? I lost the pair of socks my sis got me sadly I think my socks got accidently in the donation pile while going through old clothes. I think the quality is comfortable but very tight on narrow feet. This might sound weird as I'm a 7.5 in boots and a 7 in sneakers but whatever. Their phone cases I want one but the case I want is highly rare and is $60 so probably will never happen.
Looking for more of the Electric Rock by Pokémon Center and Pokémon Pikachu Plush Cyrus and Ghetsis and looking for the Pokémon Center Jolteon Discharge figure. Looking for any Kyurem figure. Looking for any type of Mespirt card or plush and also looking for a Murkrow plush.
Looking for mainly PS4 games such as. Tales of Vesperia. Secret of Mana Digimon story and matter of fact I want to play all Digimon games. Also want all Tales games known in the U.S. besides the newest one Arise. Anyways the only Tales game I've is Tales of Berseria and Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Symphonia and the second TOS is called Dawn of The New World. When I get done with clothes I most likely just want video games and stuff from Etsy lol
DS * Games and other random games GBA/GC/PS2 * also PS1. GameCube
* Lost Kingdoms One and Two
* Pokémon colosseum and Gale of Darkness
* All Paper Mario games
Need all Super Mario games for old school consoles
Need Chrono Trigger again
Dreamcast? Not sure any good games on here!
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm
How to spot a fake Pokémon DS game.
Cartridge is gray and not black. Some sellers will state the product is a reproduction copy that goes for GBA/GBC/64 games that are commonly faked. I do believe PS4 games are safe from this. If you want to know if you got a real copy or not for the Pokémon DS games hold the game into the light and you will see a reddish tint where the black border is from the label this is for Pokémon DS games. Also the fake video games will also have a fake reproduction booklet and that will be glossy and thick printed paper.
For my recommendation don't buy any video games on Amazon because you can't see a full zoomed in picture! Also most bootleg copies of the label are very blurry and you might want to Google a contrast between a fake and real copy. Also any Pokémon DS or GBA/GBC color game that's $20 is also a fake the reproduction copies sell for that much as well. So I would also recommend looking at Gamestop or seeing how much a real copy is of the video games I listed.
I'm also looking for Donkey Kong on the 64 and The Legend of Zelda games for the 64. Currently missing the system. Looking for Yu-Gi-OH! DS games and all other games in the series. I want to play all Castlevania games. Same with Kirby and Yoshi games.
I'm looking for Pokémon DS games. Platinum. Pokémon Black and White both series one and two. Diamond. Pearl. Pokémon Heartgold and Pokémon SoulSilver. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Final Fantasy IV
Lost this copy but man this game was hard :( like any other FF games grind and grind and keep repeating but this is probably a LOW for me LMAO. Invest in this later. I want all FF games for the DS more than other systems etc.
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals :)
Golden Sun Dark Dawn
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin and Dark Of Sorrow
GBA games:
Pokémon Sapphire and Emerald and Ruby and Leafgreen and Firered
All The Legend of Zelda games
All Breath of Fire
All Digimon Games
Dream games
* Ogre the Battle this is also being faked and sold as a reproduction copy as well! Average price is $40-60 + depending on the condition of the game and what is included
All .Hack old games which will take the longest to grasp a whole set will range to the high $300 if there is instruction guides
I wonder if people know there is a game about Christianity and Jesus is on one of the cutscenes? Ha! Fun fact! Xenosaga and series three is the most expensive. I only played the first game. I kind of forgot about this series and the last game runs about $50 +
Castlevania real copy vs fake or something like that
How to spot a fake Pokémon GBC game Sapphire and Ruby and same thing with DS just Google the video game of your choice and see if there is a side by side comparison. I’ve played a fake Pokémon SoulSilver and the game crashed within the middle of the video game etc
Games I’m not hyped about getting into are unsure about
Starfox. Metroid I know blasphemy and vile about them two series. Mana Khemia not sure if I will be into this game or not like all the games listed here I might go look up a let’s play on YT and go from there. Rampage. Hamtaro series. Radia Stories. Rogue Galaxy. Mystic quest I wonder if I can get into this game I played this way back in the day, same with Street Fighter I loved using Blanka. It was very awful with Vega LMAO. Grandia I wonder if this series is any good also Legend of Dragoon and Starfy because I think that’s where that dancing star is from Smash Ultimate LMAO. Also The Threads of Fate hopefully I can get into this again! Also Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl I heard this is a remake of the first series.
Hardest boss? I still can't beat the Super Boss Yiazmat on FF 12 and even with shell on his death strike swipe hits me every time. I also want to try the Super Boss and missons on FF 13 and second one! The third one I'm gonna look up a Let's Play as I don't play timed games unless there is a way to reverse the time etc.
As you can see this will take several years for me to collect everything I want. I also want all pink consoles. Final Fantasy 13 theme PS3. I want a black Wii more than white. I also want a Hyperkin in Jasper red. Smoke is my main 64 system I want if not Ice Blue and Grape as I'm not sure how I feel about the watermelon red system. I want an Atomic Purple or any translucent GBC and GBA. I want the GBA to have a Pelican light hood attachment!
What do you do all day? My headphones are normally hooked up 24/7 unless I've to get up or be somewhere. Otherwise my headphones are never off. I also could be trading on Animal Crossing. Why don't I drive? Or work? I've explained that in my physical blog on my Altscene account.
What is your favorite food? Like if you want to know what I eat everyday I can just take a photo of the cabinet and freezer here? Haha.
Do you take sleep aid? Yeah a natural one called Valerian Root without this every other day I'm normally up at 7-9 a.m. + I take this at 3:30 am and normally fall asleep within a hour. Wake up around 11 or late noon.
Your hair is amazing how do you get this amazing hair of yours? I use OGX shampoo and conditioner. If you want to know what line I use let me know. I use two. I felt like I typed so much I need to stop at some point LMAO. I used to use Hask white truffle my favorite shampoo but sadly that is not being stocked anymore I believe. I also don't use chemicals bomb shampoos for my hair. I wash my hair every two or three days. I was told washing your hair everyday causes damage in your hair because you need your oils. Also could be because I take a Multivitamin as well.
Any heat tools? No. What about hair products? I just get some hair mousse like White Rain volume to use on my ends for a buck I say that works I don't use hair mousse unless I'm out and about so a dollar is perfect from DT. Have I tried any hair and skin and nail supplements? Trying Keratin as I'm taking Multivitamin which too much of biotin causes break outs so I heard so I really can't give any verdict if keratin supplement is working. I need about two weeks for results.
For more ''Personal'' topics look here I know this is a lot to take in with this journal and three comments on my Altscene but take as long as you like :) I really don't care just let me know when you're finished :)
Also I'm not a huge figure fan....I would not pay no more than $50 for a figure sorry....which my dream figure will never happen by the way heh....
So this is on my mind lately and no need to reply to this journal because I'm going to collect my thoughts. My issue is with people and this isn't for anyone in certain on this website but on other website as well why can't people respect me? What I mean by that is on my profile I ask for people to not send nudes etc. But time after time again. I get people asking me for nudes. Asking for countless of selfies I just want this to end in all honesty. I also had a weirdo on this website and I won't blast him on here but he asked if I owned heels....like seriously? A foot f'etish person bothering me on here? Like why? Why am I cursed with horny men after me and I don't even take suggestive photos of myself? I don't even portray myself as s'exual on the internet so why? Like I don't understand. I also don't get why guys have to call me cute in almost every other sentence or a few sentences like okay I get what you're saying for the 50th millionth time so just stop! What also gets on my last nerve is why do most single parents get treated like trash? I also don't get why people have issues reading my profile? Gives me such a headache people are asking what are my favorite movies and I've that posted? Like seriously? I'm getting questions already asked on my profile like on this site and other sites as well like? Ugh I don't know why I'm bothering typing this out as I now got a headache.
But before I log out because I think adding and talking to people is starting to become a waste of my effort. Seriously I think I'm as burnt out as I possible can get as I'm having people tell me what is your socials for crying out fucking loud and the love of Loki that is on my profile! Duh!
🌐 Handles and a faster response
IG NeoSuitBahamut
You can find me with all the numbers you can just type in the short ver and I will come up this is manly a ACNH feed to store my snapshots off my Yellow Switch Lite and life blog what I do in my life etc and so basically a dumpster dive storage unit 🌐
Snap beelzebubpants
And also this place likes to remove friends for no reason or says pending if this happens just try adding me I guess
GH and ✉️ snakesayswilde for G-Hood ✉️
And let me know who you're as well by your Emo U.K. username or link etc!