Corey Cox
31 / Male / virginia, United States
Pansexual / Single
Member since:
May 24, 2016
Last online:
Jun 14, 2016
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About Me
Names Corey, I'm a gear head, as well as I'm into writing. Well and a lot of other stuff which I'm sure you could find out about me if you talk to me, oh I'm also obsessed with wolves. umm, not sure what to really put here, so you should really stop reading at this point. or your really just wasting your life span. looking your losing more seconds the more you keep reading. so seriously stop reading. just stop, I mean it. this isn't healthy reading this long.
oh and feel free to message me anytime, for anything. I'm a very talkative person.
Favourite Music
post hardcore, straight edge, metal.
secret and whisper
close your eyes
(those are the non mainstream for two have broken up, but plenty of more if you asked)
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Wallie (stfu yeah I enjoy Disney) Happy Feet. and a lot of anime. (my passion is to be the next one punch man)
Devil May Cry - by Sherrilyn Kenyon (well mainly every book she has written is amazing)
Shiver series
Education / Occupation
Graduated, currently Navy, but still wear what I used to wear in high school.