I Take These Pills, To Make Me Thin..I Dye My Hair, And Cut My Skin. I Try Everything..To Make Them See Me. But All They See. Is Someone That's Not Me. Invisble, by Skylar Grey
Haleymae Oynx
25 / Female / Wonderland, United States
Pansexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Jul 26, 2013
Last online:
Sep 15, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
HAI C: Well my name is haleymae! my mom loved that name c: i was raised in the uk. i moved to the usa when i was about 6 after my mom died...i love the usa but i miss the uk....i love to read and take walks in the woods by my house xD......i have no life im always on the internet....i love everyone xD ( im not a whore .-.) i have 1 cat 1 dog and a bunny cx i have one sister one brother......im a really boring person...... im a dork xD OMG but i love unicorns...if they were real they would be fluffy xD and gummy bears so cute xD...... i wanna like go to a store one day in a ski mask and buy something o.o ( i get of topic sorry) i do have a bad said which i dont show much......... okay one thing tho i hate all that love stuff...it always ends up baad .... i like being single as a dollar bill nny xD but i would have a bf/gf if i could trust them. like a dog trusting a cat with its life xD that would be funny! but i think cats a dogs get along they just act like they hate each other.......and...but the pics i have up are really old!!!! i need to put new ones up xD
Favourite Music
bmth ptv sws botdf bvb ifh bmth and ptv saved my life (i know everyone says that but i mean it) my fav song by bmth is..... dont go....and by ptv king for a day ( i know its not just them)
Favourite Films / TV / Books
dancing in the dark is my fav.....and many more books
i really don't know what to say....my friend said i should do this...well most people at my age start cutting. i do cut...but im stopping....im getting the help i need cx im happy and shit right now xD so NEW TOPIC!!!! unicorns everyone likes unicorns i do OMG hello kitty i love hello kitty right now im not even joking like i have a lunch box, a dress, shoes and my room is all hello kitty xD (way off topic) my gf dumped me 1 week ago XD i could give a f*ck like really i like being single its fun people cant tell me what to do.... but i do like the feeling of being loved and i don't feel that much anymore ;-; but i don't care XD FUCK LOVE!!!!...... this is like a one time thing im really high on painkillers