I wanna die, wanna die
but i don't just want to die
you'll arrive, just in time
just in time to stop me
all the pain that you gave me, i want it all to stop
yet it's not, not enough... Miss Wanna Die, by IA
But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me
One Direction- I wish
oh.. How I wish you were talking about me♥
This 17 yr old, hit a 12 yr old, for no reason and like, he got a seizure and a fractured skull and had to go the hospital... Damn Chris(!7 yr old who punched him) I hope you fucking get killed. You better hope none of the kids in my class see you. Your gonna get your fucking ass kicked for doing that to a little kid. Pussy ass bitch. All you are is white trash in 7th grade. Grow the fuck up.
I think im starting to like you >.< I feel like... I dunno. Confused. I dont want to betray my friend.. But, honestly. i think im starting to like you. And it sucks.