Put ur hands in the air if u hear me up there ive been looking for u day and night. Shine a light in the dark so IK where u r cause im not gonna leave u behind. Wut if i told u that ur not alone. And I told u this is where u belong. Reunion, by Shinedown
Allen Staggs
17 / Male / Miami OK, United States
Bisexual / Broken Hearted
Member since:
Nov 21, 2024
Last online:
Mar 25, 2025
Current rating: 6.4/10 (9 votes cast)
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About Me
Hi my name is Allen and I love to make pop tab jewelry and I was abused sexually and mentally during the first 3 years of my life and it still haunts me to this day
I have a lot of trauma but I'm learning to change my perspective on life from negative to a bit more positive.
I have been emo/alternative since I was a kid and I used the music to cope with a lot of things in my life and I would say that it led me to be a lot more open and accepting of other people as well as be confident in my singing.
I have times when I get really depressed and down and I am sure its because the way my mindset has been for so many years and I am adopted into a great family and everyone is nice but I just feel like I don't deserve them after all the crap they have put up with for me.
I just recently got in a relationship and I really hope this one works out cus he is a good person and deserves to be treated as such
my pronouns are he/him
I love lighting my hands on fire
I love knives
I love monster energy drinks
I love just being able to express myself and I also love lasagna
I am not really for the LGBTQ community but I am also not really against it :)
I just believe that people should be themselves and have a good life.
Favourite Music
ice nine kills ( just started getting into their music)🙃
Motionless in white
Falling in reverse
My chemical romance
Bring me the horizon
Pierce the veil
Blink 182
3 days grace
3 doors down
Social Repose
Sub Urban
Fall out boy
The offspring
Twenty One Pilots
Tokyo Hotel
Get Scared
Ghost Town
Jake Hill
the list goes on and on XD
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I am into a few anime like chainsaw man, Tokyo Ghoul,Dragon ball Z,Scott pilgrim vs the world,and Naruto.
Education / Occupation
I am in my junior year of High school and I work at a butcher shop and I've been there since I was 12 since its a family business
Who I'd Like To Meet
in all actuality I just want to meet other people like me and try to get in a more optimistic mindset and I want to meet Chris Motionless,Tx2,Gerard way,Chester Bennington and so many more artists that changed my life
today is day four of my gf not talking to me at all and I'm afraid she ghosted me
I may be jumping to conclusions and maybe her parents are involved but that doesn't fix the way I feel
everything was going really well. we were talking every day and reassuring each other we still loved each other and the last thing she said was she had to go and I replied that I'll talk to her later and she said the same then she stopped talking all together :,(
I feel like its my fault but I know I did my best to be open and communicate and these past two nights I haven't slept at all because of the nagging feeling that I'm alone again and it hurts
ok so I haven't done tarot cards in a minute and I just got a six card reading with the cards 10 of swords,9 of pentacles ,7 of pentacles ,the devil card,princess of hearts, and the death card. I know the devil card can hint to feelings of obsession, addiction and entrapment and the death card is a sign of change in a persons life but I don't remember what the princess of hearts means and when I looked it up I didn't get a direct answer so I don't know about that one. The 10 of swords means a painful ending or loss and the nine of pentacles means self reliance and the seven of pentacles means patience and growth and hints to there being a reward of some kind.
can someone please tell me what the princess of hearts means because I am going insane trying to find its meaning 🙏
I am in a relationship rn and tbh it feels great to not be alone but there's still this fear that it won't last and I have been working so hard on trying to be a better me and I made a lil check list to keep track of the progress I've made
tbh I feel like the song Another life by Motionless in white
feeling broken because of the past and dread the future because I'm broken but like I said I am trying my best to live a better life
so I tried piercing my septum with a paper clip I cut and then heated with a lighter to sterilize it and I pierced it all the way through but the stupid piercing didn't want to go in so I am just going to let it heal and then I will try again with an actual piercing needle