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Maybe I'm better of dead, If I was, Would it finally be enough, To shut out all the voices in my head? This Is not where I belong You gonna miss me when I'm gone Better of dead, by Sleeping With Sirens

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Will_Iridescent


William Welsh
28 / Male / Over the Rainbow (~=-=)~, United States
Gay/Lesbian / Single
Member since: May 04, 2013
Last online: Feb 09, 2016

Current rating: 8.7/10 (3 votes cast)

About Me

~(0.0)~ ~(0.0)~ ~(0.0)~HELLOS~(0.0)~ ~(0.0)~ ~(0.0)~
Hey, My Name is William. AND!!! I am an Iridescent Bubble ^~^

Du du du.. Dun mind me
Ill just be singing to mah cat c:                    Oranges!
Why?.... Because I can ^~^

I'm a strange little thing sometimes ;-;
I'm a weird person too ;-;
I can be mature Haeven ;-;
I'm me c:

Silly sharks ;-;               I lurv mah hair, tis just so soft *~*
*Hits in the face with surfboard*        Why ppl be touchin mah hair D:
Awwe Yeah cx                                  Shoo Shoo ;-;
Keep yo hands off ma hair boi ;-;

I'm a pretty tolerant person ;-;
I gets defensive ;-;
I usually stay out of peoples lil fights -.-

Did I mention i'm gay?
Yeah buddy ^~^                                I'm sooo riding on my Highway Unicorn cx
Oh, and just so we're clear...                 And i'm on the road to love ^~^
Gay = I HEART PAYNUS!!               Then some shiz about a flag in my bra??
Well... otay den 0.0                                                                       

I really is a nice person cx 
I'll talk to anyone really cx
Just don't act like an 8 year old kid -.-
Be yourself and be CRAY CRAY!!

"Well lets see what can I tell you..                 I'm really into astronomy cx
Life in the wide world goes on..                            Look at dat sexy sky
Much as it has this past age..                         I'm also really into writing
 Full of its own comings and goings.."   I like to write poems and short stories 
0.0........wait....... Thats Gandalf 0.o nvm cx

Well.. Dafuq am I suppose to tell chu now 0.o
I has 5 dogs and I have one cat c:
One Chihuahua, one Terrier, three German Shepherds
And.. One fat fluffy kitteh..
Le cat totally runs the house cx

ERMAGERD!! Ima freak cx
Why? Cause D: I don't get cold ;-; (Wut???)      *Rolls around in snow*
Yup ;-; my thin bootay don't cold cx                *Starts wiggling around* ?? 0.o
I be outside in below freezing weather        *Summons a yeti* Ok too far D:
With no jacket what so ever cx 

Also, hey ;-; you still here? Good cx
I dun get sick either 0.o 
I get sick maybe 2 times a year?
Nothing ever worse than a cold *~*
~Titansteel Immune System~ (idek cx)

Ima also a fast learner..
*Climbs meh purple tree*                    I remember and understand things
*twerks in meh tree*                                        Academically anyway ;-;
*Looks at you* twerks wif meh?        I can be slow when it comes to stuffy stuff

Well.. Lets talk about pwetty colours cx
I like monster green most c:
I like a dark n Shiny purple 2nd
I likes a deep blue 3rd cx

I LIKE!!! - My hair, My music, My friends <3, Writing, Singing (to myself), soemo.co.uk <3, Talking to friends cx, kindness c:, Hugs ~(^.^)~, cuddles <3, Sleep, and probably other stuff cx.

I DUN LIKE!!! - Yelling D:, Arguments xc, Haters ;-;, Fake people, cheater cheater pumpkin eaters ;c, when my hair is all curly ._., when shiz messes mah hair up D;, so... yurr 

CaptainCrombie is the father
Of my children
Because dis guy decided to lie 
about wearing a condom
Just because I faked an Orgasm
So he no pull out and he be the father of our 2 cute, gorgeous children u.u


I'm tingling in places I didn't know existed

I'll be a princess Die and die with you
Get to know me? 
Add meh on Facebook
^~^ Magic <~~ https://www.facebook.com/william.t.welsh ~~> Magic ^~^

If you're gunna kik me, ima kick you back damn it ;-;


I am vury iridescent b1tch35 e_e
Oh, my. 

What! What are this? Who dafuq are yew?? Stahp reading me! I'm not exposing my secrets for yew!! Begone! Go. Pls n0. You must leaf. Who are this, what are you. Well to start atm I'm starring at my purple pen and wondering if I'll get in trouble for playing pierce the veil really loud in class but I really don't care nugga e_e. 
Have you ever noticed those really blonde people or really gingery
people don't have eye brows??? O.O
Dafuq is up with dat, like, paint something on there ;-;
Why can't I log on Facebook D:( stupid school wifi. Suck ma dick brah.
You don't know me. You can see me. /.
Oliver stop moaning. 
What? What happened to my other hair tie?? I can't take the loss, it was
my favourite green one and now I'm gunna die. This is too tragic. More tragic than Shakespeare's Hamlet. Oh, my. Owl city..... Owls don't live in fooking cities do they? They live in wherever the fuck they live. Don't tell me e_e I know this one. It's from that one show with that one thing about that person and yeah ;-;
Oh who cares, around the next couple seasons someone will be
pregnant and it will become some drama sheet. I'm just making my assumption based on THATS WHAT HAPPENS TO EVERY SHOW. GAWD. Now what? Oh. The teacher is yelling at me atm. Lel. No bitch I will not get off my iPod. *punches her in the boob* huehuehue jk. I'm just going to ignore her like always. 
Omfg where's da fewd!! D:( I am hungry and need my stuff. I want the
poptarts, I want the Asian food, I want the coffee. I know where it is and I'm going to get it. Just gunna get out my car and.. Wait e.e I don't drive. Mark you drive me pls. I pay you in gewd fewd. Just need to go to the store and plank in the parking lot and hope that angry Mexican bitch doesn't try to fucking run me down again. That's not vury nice. So what. I'll just keep on throwing shoes at the old lady till she drops the last pink charger cause bitch I saw it first. Go watch the daily news and eat crackers while I sit and listen to my iPod and shit. I don't know. Omfg wtf are this? What am I talking about? It's 12 15 and I think there's an earthquake going on! Oh, wait, nu ;-; I'm just slightly hyper and a bit bouncy e_e o.e omg can I watch frozen? I'll just watch it illegally online like always. What do you mean I'm not a girl??? Sure I am. I get told it on a daily basis ^~^ I'M A PRETTY GURL. No. Lel. I am a gai boi and I wished for a planet full of uni- NO! I wish for a planet of fewd and fun little dinosaurs that aren't too big so they like can't kill me and stuff but. Yeah. Haha! My teacher leafs me in the classroom alone cause she says she trusts me not to mess with stuff >.> *starts twerking* NO STAHP D:( you're ruining the moment. Who are you now? I don't know. Idc. Just Gimmie some like doughnuts or something and be my best friend. Oh holy jizz balls my feet are tingling x.x
What the hell? Boi watch you mouth or I'll make you choke on a hairless car! Car? That was totally autocorrect. Not be. I spell like oh hot damn
. Nugga stahp moving around I can't focus. Why do you do this to me? I'll just go bake some cookies like cause I can and stuff. Don't be jelly your can't have any. I'll share with a few people sure but.. What the hell why is Taylor Swift playing? I want GaGa D:( A hybrid can withstand these things my heart can beat with bricks and strings my ARTPOP could mean anything. What the hell does that mean? What's anything? Does it mean it's going to burn my toast?? Bitch! Shut up. You don't know how to work the tv you tech tard. Don't you dare say that. My music is not weird. Just listen to that wub wub wub wub.. ZOIDBURG! He goes wub wub too. Just ask that thing. So who are you? Boy? Girl? Both? Octopus? I'm sorry but I don't support octopuses. Why? Because they're fucking sucky sucky and creepy creepy. What? You say I suck? Oh why yes I do c; but that is besides the point. I cannot allow more than 5 people into my conversations or I'm like all zffuguvihoaydkkgwjtk SHUT UP D:(
I don't speak that language you sexual taco. Yes I am quite sexual but
that doesn't mean I can't make a mean sammich. It's so mean it'll make you sick probably ;-; do you have a strong stomach? Then eat catfood! I do not approve of the way you blast off into space like you own the place. Sit yo arse down and learn about this bitch you don't even know yet. I swear I'm not high. I'm not even that drunk so Gimmie a bit of credit and I'll meet you at the usual spot to pick up my shipment. You're so famous. Okay. Well that's enough for now. I think I have to go make some bitches scream. Nugga wtf you saying? Oh. I'm jk. I must go to my teacher and do something involving punching them in the bewb. Omfg we talked about this. It's not nice to hot! Last Friday night, yeah I don't know I was doing something of course. Why you ask? No! Bad! Stop drinking from the sink you iguana. That's totally not your colour. It makes you look like a skank. No babe I'm just kidding you. You look fab. Now get the fuck off my lawn before I call the cops!! Oh can I have juice or something? I don't know. Bitch stop knocking I'm not answering. Gawd. So fooking annoying. I doughnut approve of this little thing you call the trumpet. That nugga is noisy. Oh wow there's people in here. Why do they always smell? Like oh, my. Stahp with the beeping. I can't take it. It's not gunna fly. *starts dancing* ;-;
Oh can I have some money to run away with a candle lit house fire? Just give it to me. I don't care. I love eet.
Oh wow, such tummy ache, much oww, such not fun, wow. Idek, pls, Just let it sink in e.e Holy crap i think I got a blister on my hand :c I was only writing 8 pgs of notes homes T.T It was for dat Shakespeare class yoo. I'm like over 4 weeks behind and I got like so caught up tonight e.e My hand really hurts T.T Such sore. Oh wow dead leg x.x Now my shoulder is hurting?? Dafuq is going on here D: 
That owwy ;-; Oh hey look it's Indy. Hey Indy do you wanna go for a ride in the cannon? Course you do. I mean what else you gunna do? Watch reruns of Friends all weekend? What a weenie e.e My eyes gunna be so big yoo. Dat dialation and what not, idk, shut up. Pls, I'll write my name somewhere weird but you have to guess where it is e.e It's in the place where all things are hidden.. Yes, that's write. Under your matress. Shush, you know it's true. Know what else is true? Your face in the planter. You need to help the seeds grow by kissing them 4 times then dancing in an ancient tribal circle. JK YOO! Who the hell has time for that? I mean, like I'd rather be exercising.. Yeah, exercising e.e Now it's your turn, write my name on your test so I get credit yoo. Like hell i'm gunna be doing it, come on, It's not like I'm from Arizona T.T Pls, I'm from California and what not. Yoo my legs hurt fool, been sitting for 17 years. And I've spend another 10 years hanging from the ceiling cause I can yoo. Don't tell me how to live my life, Huehuehue I'm not 27. 
Pls. Don't hit the breaks, your seatbelt isn't on. You might go flying through the windshield.. That would be bad, Especially if you died. Dying is bad for your health. It like, kills you dead man. Once you're dead you can't go on and keep collecting water bottles. Yeah it's a weird thing to collect but he likes it. Who is he? He's whoever I damn say he is. Okay? Okay. So he's that clown that lives under your bed. He only comes out at night to stroke your face. Fuck yes that's creepy. That's hella creepy. Just cling on and hold on tight cause if you don't you'll get lost on your way out. Out of where? Out of the forest man. Why can't you stahp? I needed that part for the time machine to get us home. No we're 100 years in the future. Everyone is a fucking Ginger.. 
That would be hot if it wasn't really fucking creepy to see them everywhere. Okay, this piece of a bilboard should work just fine. Okay, It's ready, back in time we go. We made it, now let's climb Mount Everest! Cause it's fun that's why D:< You know you wanna e.e God spinning makes you really dizzy man. Like, look down, put your hand on the back of your head, put a little pressure, spin 10 times, let go. DIZZY AS FAK!! Not fun on a full tummy though. Oh, I didn't eat. Oh well, then I won't be too sick? Perhaps. 
What are we suppose to do now that it stopped counting D: That clock is all we had to tell us who to sacrifice next :c Well I hope it all works out okay cause you won't have much more time e.e Not much time to safe all the baby penguins :c Now get comfy and enjoy yoo ^~^

Favourite Music

Stuffy stuff ;-;
More stuffy stuff ;-;
Well ;-; My favorite bands are... 
A Day Away,
 A Day to Remember,
   All Time Low,
    Asking Alexandria,
     Attack Attack!,
      Black Sabbath,
    Boys Like Girls,
   Bring me the Horizon,
  Bullet for My Valentine, 
 Carolina Liar,
   David Guetta,
    Driving East,
     Escape the Fate,
     Every Avenue,
    Eyes Set to Kill,
   Falling in Reverse,
  Foo Fighters,
 Four Year Strong,
Go Radio,
 Hey Monday,
  Hit the Lights,
   Hope Dies Last,
    Houston Calls,
     I Am the Pilot,
      I Call Fives,
     Imagine Dragons,
    In Fear and Faith,
  Katy Perry,
 Last Winter,
Lindsey Stirling,
  Mayday Parade,
   Miss May I,
    Modern Day Escape,
     Motionless in White,
      My Darkest Days,
     New Found Glory,
    Of Mice & Men,
   Owl City,
  Ozzy Osbourne,
 Sleeping With Sirens,
 Pierce the Veil,
     Secondhand Serenade,
      Set Your Goals,
    Snow White's Poison Bite,
   Take Cover,
  The All American Rejects,
 The Offspring,
The Relapse Symphony,
 The Story So Far,
  The Word Alive,
   Tonight Alive,
Dun judge meh or I wont share my tree with you ;-;

Favourite Films / TV / Books

-The Walking Dead- -Doctor Who-   -Law and Order: SVU-  -Lost Girl-   -Warehouse 13- -Family Guy-   -Revenge-   -Once Apon a Time-  -Bleach <3-   -D-Grey Man-  -NCIS- -Roswell- -Friends- -American Dad- -Cougar Town-
-Lord of the Rings-   -The hobbit-   -Serenity- 

Bleach 4: Hell Verse
Who else be looking forward to the Hobbit in Dec?   
I likes Horror n Comedies                                                                                                           
i absolutely LOVE watching horrible sifi movies                                                                            
Books I guess
The Stand
Lord of the Rings 
The Hobbit
I'm a fan of some Shakespeare ~(=-=~)
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Twelfth Night
Romeo & Juliet 
Pls ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;

Education / Occupation

College m8 ;-;

Who I'd Like To Meet

YOU!!!!I can see this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. ;D 
Mother Monster

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May 14 2016, 02:29 AM
Can I twerk with you in yur tree, son?!?!!?! Yeeaaaah boiiii!!!!@!!1$!2
Emo Pictures - bones_exposed
Sep 04 2014, 10:07 PM
hi c:
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Sep 02 2014, 08:28 PM
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :]
Emo Pictures - Mason_Is_LordGaga
Jul 27 2014, 04:17 PM
I was so confused for a second then i was like "ohhhhh"
Emo Pictures - Kellin-Is-Here
Jun 28 2014, 08:25 AM
<3 dat fucked up ;-;
Emo Pictures - Kellin-Is-Here
Jun 28 2014, 08:24 AM
Wheel. ;-; yew butt. you didn't mention me anywhere up in dat profile of yours. and quit taking so many pictures xc you have like 4 or 5 pages cx you don't need like 60 pages of pictures. e.e I love you. Stay in school. don't do drugs. never talk to strangers. don't take food from strangers either e.e I love yew. okie? okie. Hug it out. - hugs yew- oh.. nu hugs? fine -3- I still luf yews %u2665
Emo Pictures - SebbyTheTurtle
May 30 2014, 09:43 PM
Emo Pictures - StephenScaresYou
May 30 2014, 03:33 AM
Hahaha, it is absolutely amazing. You should be proud of yourself. ^_^ I would be. But then, I'm lazy, so I couldn't do that sort of work. It made me happy to see somebody else so happy *_*
Emo Pictures - StephenScaresYou
May 29 2014, 09:48 PM
Sir, why, I say, sir! Your profile made my day. Made it bright and shiny. Maybe that was the sun coming up right now... BUT I'M BLAMING YOUR AMAZING PROFILE! I now want tacos because of you though.
Apr 19 2014, 03:52 PM
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- I look ew

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May 20 2013, 11:07 PM
Private entry
May 18 2013, 08:11 PM
I wish i wasnt so weak....3
May 17 2013, 06:44 PM
Private entry
May 16 2013, 04:54 PM
Private entry
May 13 2013, 11:51 PM
Private entry
May 12 2013, 08:28 PM
"The Question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me." -Ayn Rand
May 12 2013, 11:23 AM
"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." -Winston Churchill
May 12 2013, 08:57 AM
"I wish it need not have happened in my time. Said Frodo. So do I, said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -J.R.R Tolken, The Fellowship of the Ring.
May 11 2013, 08:25 PM
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." -Albert Camus
May 11 2013, 08:22 PM
"I was once afraid of people saying 'Who does she think she is', now I have the courage to stand up and say 'This is who I am'." -Oprah Winfrey

May 20 2013, 11:07 PM

I wish I could just fall into my dreams and never wake up. That way id be able to see Riley in person whenever i wanted. Everything would be perfect... i think im still too young to know what love is but I Dont want to fall in that again unless its real.

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May 18 2013, 08:11 PM

I wish i wasnt so weak....3

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May 17 2013, 06:44 PM

My Little Green Fire (Its a little long) As the sun goes down I get ready for bed I turn off the lights And rest my head I drift off to sleep And start to dream When a light hits my face I awake to a gleam I open my eyes And turn my head To see a little green fire On a candle of red My little green fire It came to me at night It danced and flickered Such an amazing sight I got up near To get a closer look I swear I saw it move The candle twitched and shook I backed up in fear And then it spoke to me "Don't be afraid, I'm harmless as you'll see". I don't know what it was To make me get in close I felt it was sincere This little green ghost My little green fire It came to me at night This must be a dream For this can not be right Then it spoke to me again "Let's go outside" It took to the air I followed my small guide In the nights open air As if under a spell I followed it down the road When my heart sunk and fell I saw a fog appear It led me toward the murk I couldn't stop walking My body wouldn't work! My little green fire It came to me at night Where is this demon taking me? The fog is filled with fright Walking through the mists My eyes grew wide with shock The land bent and changed We were on a floating rock As I look around The floor is trashed with bones The trees were all dieing The flowers turned to stone The candle said "Welcome, You kill to stay alive." Others were lurking around How would I survive? My little green fire It came to me at night I couldn't believe my ears It wanted me to fight! Wandering lost and confused All I could do was run I wished to hide and cry This prison won't be fun After hours of fear I needed to calm my head There must be a way out Or a way to win instead I ran into a human And fought him to the ground I asked him what he knew He was happy to be found? My little green fire It came to me at night This unknown stranger Seemed to be alright He told me his story How he'd been here for days And he knew where to hide Inside this twisted maze He said the way to leave Was to kill the small green flame I thought he was crazy Though I wished it death the same Now we had a plan To escape this blood stained rock We need just to lure it out For home we pray to dock My little green fire It came to me at night You put me in your hell Now I'll kill you on sight Now we walk the land And find something new A small rotting grave With candles lit as blue? As we get in close A skull shines with green This must be important For it hasn't yet been seen The green flame suddenly appears And yells at us to go But I had other ideas I responded with no My little green Fire It came to me at night I think this skull is yours Will its death kill your light? He try's to scare us off But I took a rock instead I rose it up high And crashed it on its head The green flame squealed It's candle began to melt Now it feels the pain The pain I know I've felt The little fire died And fog covered the land We all walked inside it And the rock turned to sand When I walked out Twas the same night as before No way this was real But I went in my door I walked up to my room And got into bed I don't know how I'd sleep But better here than dead My little green fire It came to me at night I may have almost died But now I'll sleep tight

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May 16 2013, 04:54 PM

We're more than just friends, I've known you for years Our relationship was strong, And Im afraid it's end nears. You rarely want to talk, You don't answer when I call You say that calls are awkward, And your texts are scarce and small. I liked to send you texts, Of funny things I saw or heard your response is always bored, Like you didn't read a word. What happened between us? Will we be able to mend? Maybe I just talk to much, I don't want our chats to end. You've become more distant, And hesitate with a simple touch You won't hold hands in public Do I embarrass you this much? At school we sit together, You hardly give me a glance If I've done you wrong, Would you give me a second chance. We'd walk together after class, It was nice for you to wait Guess now I walk alone, You don't stop by the gate. What happened between us? Will we be able to mend? I'm not sure it's me Are your feelings all pretend? You don't want me to call, My humors just a bore I embarrass you In public, You look at me no more. You don't want to hang out, I'm apparently not worth your time I look back at all you've done, And to me it's like a crime. What happened between us? Will we be able to mend? I think we should just end it, If to you I'm just a friend. You've wasted enough of my tears, Look at me and take part The scars on my body are nothing, To the ones you left on my heart. Now I open my eyes, To see the truth that lies ahead There was never love for me, As your actions clearly said. As I turn to leave, You claim you did no wrong Which sadly proves my point, You've been blind all along. What happened between us? Will we be able to mend? I feel stupid for trusting you A fiend who's not my friend.

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May 13 2013, 11:51 PM

Tonight me and my demons decided to cuddle instead of fight

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May 12 2013, 08:28 PM

"The Question isn't who's going to let me, it's who's going to stop me." -Ayn Rand

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May 12 2013, 11:23 AM

"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." -Winston Churchill

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May 12 2013, 08:57 AM

"I wish it need not have happened in my time. Said Frodo. So do I, said Gandalf, and so do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -J.R.R Tolken, The Fellowship of the Ring.

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May 11 2013, 08:25 PM

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." -Albert Camus

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May 11 2013, 08:22 PM

"I was once afraid of people saying 'Who does she think she is', now I have the courage to stand up and say 'This is who I am'." -Oprah Winfrey

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