The lips of our fate will become the ones of your loss and my relief.
I'll taunt em right in your face
and show you how it's done.
Cause now my lips belong to another someone. A Gondola Ride in Paris, by The Messenger
Hannah Hixson
28 / Female / Arthur, IL, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Feb 20, 2012
Last online:
Apr 19, 2012
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hi, I am Hannah Marie Hixson. I'm a very shy girl. I am 14 years old, going to be 15 July 1st. I am 5' 4" yes, I am short. Don't make fun of me. I have short hair and it is different colors at the moment. Brown, red, black, and blonde. (: Don't worry, It'll be all one color soon. I am in the 9th grade. I love singing. I love drawing, but I don't do much of it anymore. It seems like a waste of my time anymore. : / I am funny. I have a good sense of humor. I am kind of fat. Don't hate. I don't take crap form anyone. If i hear you have been talking crap behind my back, I will make sure you regret it. I am confident in my fighting skills. I want people to like me for me and not the way I look. Just because I wear a lot of makeup, doesn't mean I'm awesome and I act the way I look either. I am unpredictable, but then again i am. I fall easily for people. I have addictions. I have some problems, but im awesome. <3 I love yooh. :3333 ask me questions, inbox me, whatever. (:
Favourite Music
My favorite music is, Rock, Alternative, Hip-Hop, Rap, and I amzz A Metal Headed Freak. <3 Ya gotta love meh.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I love Spongebob, Degrassi, Teen Mom, Criminal Minds, Ghost Stories, The Haunted, Lifetime, Syfy, Awkward, and a lot fo other ones, just ask me. HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THIS?!!! Cx