Beautiful girl sleeps by herself half the beds cold she knows its her fault she's given in and admitted defeat but she'll be fine true romance, by silverstein
27 / Female / Rochester, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since:
Jun 10, 2010
Last online:
Dec 27, 2010
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About Me
♥ ♥ ♥
Heyy, my name's Alyshia xD
I'm 13, im in year 9 and I'm from England! x I have learned alot from living in this retarded place we call the world :). One of those things is that not everyone is going to like who you are or what youu want to do or be.I wont pretend to be anyonee other than myself so if youu dont like me..dont talk :)
I love all of my friends and one of the things i like the most is the fact that they are not afraid to be theirselves and i would hate for them to change x
My friends and family are important to me and I care about them a lot even tho it may not seem like it sometimess :)
I listen to music a lot and like any type of music, I believe that music is a wonderful creation and that a lot of thought and emotion go into it. ^.^
Likes:- ♥ Drawingg ♥ Writing ♥ Musicc ♥ Making new friends ♥ Meeting new people ♥ Eyeliner ♥ Drawingg on mine and other peoples hands when im bored :) ♥ Texting ♥ Family ♥ Friends ♥ Photography ♥ Skateboarding ♥ Straightners ♥ Hearts ♥ Animals ♥ Skulls ♥ Sleeping ♥ Adding extraa letters to wordss :) And loads moree XD
Dislikes:- </3 Liars </3 Fakers </3 Cheaters </3 People telling me how to live My life </3 People who don't like me because of who i am </3 The taste of Coffee </3 Losing my phone when it's on silent </3 Attention Seekers </3 Spiders and Flying things like moths? (They kindaa freak me out :/ ) There are probably moree thingss but i cant think right now XD
Favourite Music
There are like loads of bands that are really kool!