I'm scared to get close. I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all. The higher I get the lower I sink. I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim. Can You Feel My Heart, by Bring Me The Horizon
Kayleigh Mayes
30 / Female / Cambridgeshire (I'm not from Wisbech, I was dragged there), United Kingdom
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Mar 05, 2010
Last online:
Oct 21, 2010
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Before you read my profile I would just like to say: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING INTO MY LIFE.. IF YOUR JUST GOING TO WALK OUT AGAIN. i hold no acceptance for anyone who is just going to walk in and out of my life whenever they care. Its NOT happening.
Ok, so I'm not emo. But hey, what's it matter, free country, right?!
I'm my own person. No clone. No wannabe, and nothing you have ever seen before. I am hypnotically crazy, an adrenaline junkie, wild gal with the intention to be her own success in a dying world. I am not judgemental. I'm outgoing, easy to get along with and at times quite talkative. However, the moment someone raises their voice I'm out because it is the one and only thing that scares me. Add me, message me or email me; kmayes06@students.thomasclarkson.cambs.sch.uk If you want to get to know me, chances are I want to get to know you too. Btw if you want to see a picture of me you will have to email me.
* **** *** **** (...????)
My life is on a high right now.. almost.. yes complicated.. and yes harmful.. rather delicate.. but.. think I might.. just.. make it. Somehow.
<3 ...???? <3 My world babeyy..
Shall last more than a lifetime...
Allways be careful with me.. I can be physically dangerous.. and I dont mean I will throw a punch.
I love youu Jack <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Saw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and six are amazing! what a way to kill the population of evil!!!!
Taken. This movie is so damn funny, especially when the father shoots the bad guy through the boat window!
Baby sitter wanted put me off meat lol
Final destination 1, 2, 3 and 4 are sooo predictable!!! get it, PREDICTABLE hahaha. Well I thought it was funny
House of wax I found amusing.
Berserk, New moon, Eclipse, Twilight, Breaking dawn, The stand off, Empty room.
Education / Occupation
In Thomas Clarkson Community College, hoping to be huge in the Journalism industry. (Y)