And I say your name, and in the same breath I say something, that I'll grow to regret So keep your hands on your chest, and sing with me, that we don't wanna believe Fireworks, by You Me At Six
29 / Female / In Your Closet ., United States
Straight / Single
Member since:
Jan 02, 2011
Last online:
Sep 22, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Call me Zeldaa :D
.. .. .. .. & Bяutal, is my middle nameXD
ABOUT ME: :Ok, so i'm not too good with these things so yeaa sorry. I just wanna say, if you don't like me; fuqqk you. & yess i can be a bitxch, but only if you make me that waay. I do what i please & it doesn't really matter if you like it or not. As i said FUQQK YOU; if not XD Ok, soooo. Lets start with the simple things. I'm fifteen, and livin' life to the fullest. What do i have to ruin? (: I don't do well with labels, so keep 'em to ya selff. Got thaat? (: Ok... Also, I'm the girl who sitss there hiding behind all the eyeliner & the haair, with her iPod blaring. If you don't like me, it really wont hurt my feelings. You can tell me how you feel & i'll tell you how i feel about you too. (: i'm an open minded person & i don't care what people think. Well i do, but i'm working on not caring. I like to hang out & yess i am texually active ;) haa. I love my family (F.O.E) & i love what friends i do have. I don't know what i'd do without them. Well this is all i can think of right now. If there is anything you would like to know, Message me (: I don't minndd.
(( Rawя, i do bite, i loveee blood. ]]
- I have four piercings in each earr. my right lip & my bellybutton pierced. & looking to have about fivee moree piercings. (;
** Yess, i am a freak. But call me The Freak On A Leash. XD
♥ ♥ 's -Music -MakeUp -Drawing -Hiding in my room when everything is wrong. - & Texting.
-' So this is my lifeee, it's not a fairytale. [(I don't believe in fairytales)]
-* You'll Love Me, or you'll hate me. I really don't caree (:
___Thanks for taking the time to reaad thiss, bye noww(:___
** ♥ ♥ RiP ♥ ♥ ** Trista, wow. I never thought you would leave us. I am going to miss you sooo much. It's crazy when you wake up and hearing and seeing "Rip Trista" everywhere. And it's hard knowing i'm never gonna see you'r face again, or hear you'r voice again, or hear you laugh, & see you smile again. This is hard. And all my prayers will go out to you & you'r family. RIP Trista, you will be missed very much. [( -- September 8, 1993 to January 8, 2011 --)]