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She is smiling like heaven is down on earth. Sun is shining so bright on her. And all her wishes have finally come true. And her heart is weeping. This happiness is killing her. Right Here In My Arms, by HIM

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - ZombiePrincess


Alexa Marie
25 / Female / Neverland, United States
Bisexual / Forever Alone
Member since: Dec 26, 2012
Last online: Nov 11, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hai.I'm Alexa 
I'm bi.
I'm a vegetarian.
I love music,cats,sweaters,and youtubers.
I'm married to Peter Pan.
If I don't like you,go away.
I'm here if anyone needs someone to talk to <3

Favourite Music

The Devil Wears Prada

Bring Me T­he Horizon

­Motionless­ In White

Pierce The­ Veil

Suicide Si­lence

Of Mice An­d Men



As I Lay D­ying
We Came As­ Romans
Asking Ale­xandria
Five Finge­r Death Pu­nch
Crown The ­Empire
Eminem (do­n't hate)
­Green Day
­My Chemica­l Romance
­Memphis Ma­y Fire

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Doctor Who and The Walking Dead.

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

Vic Fuentes
Oli Sykes
Austin Carlile
and so many others c:

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Dec 31 2012, 03:00 PM
Name?Alexandra Nicknames?Domo(Don't ask) Single/Taken?Single:P Are you happy with that?I don't really care How many kids do you want to have?2 What would you name them?Christopher,And heather Do you have a best friend?Yesh:3 Are they a guy/chick?Both Do they like you more than a friend?One does Do you drink?Maybe.. Do you like to party?Yes Do you smoke? What do you smoke? Have you ever been in LOVE?not realy but kinda(if that makes sense Do you believe in love?Yes just no true love Have you ever had your heart broken?yes Who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend?John Are you happy that you are no longer together?No Do you hate him/her for that?Kinda What is your favortie band/singer?Sleeping With Sirens What is your favorite song?If you cant hang What is your favorite movie?Dawn of the dead What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?Vanilla What is your favorite color?Black,Or blue Who is your best friend?Maya,and nick Do you know everything about them?yes How many siblings do you have?1 Are you happy with that?nope hate him:3 What are you listening to right now?Iris What was your last drink?Coca cola Who was your last kiss?Umm john Who was your last hug from?John(it was yesterday...) What is your favorite food?I really don't know Do you have more guy/girl friends?Guy Would you date any of your friends?Yes Is this survey getting on your nerves?Hell yes What was the last thing you watched on T.V?Umm Worlds dumbest? Do you know who E.T is?yes Do you believe in aliens?n Do you believe that all cheaters will always be cheater?Yes Do you believe in dying becasue of lost love?no Have you ever had someone close to you die?Yes What was his/her name?heather How did you know one another?she was my mom Who was your last txt from?Jake Your second?maya Your fifth?john Your ninth?matthew What did you last txt say?call me Your second?bye Your fifth?see you son Your ninthhello :3 last person you slept with?ummm idk last person you ate with?Maya last person you hit?Maya last person you cried over?John, and my mom last person you hugged?john last person you kissed?john last person you said "I LOVE YOU" to?john did you mean it? not really probably not right? last relationship lasted?2 months last hookup lasted?same last party was where?A cubhouse thingy
Dec 31 2012, 02:36 PM
Private entry
Dec 31 2012, 02:28 PM
eeeep they made the song better(if that's even possible);) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LC_sEPtwVk
Dec 31 2012, 01:06 AM
Dec 30 2012, 07:32 PM
Private entry
Dec 30 2012, 05:40 PM
Private entry
Dec 29 2012, 10:32 PM
Private entry

Dec 31 2012, 03:00 PM

Name?Alexandra Nicknames?Domo(Don't ask) Single/Taken?Single:P Are you happy with that?I don't really care How many kids do you want to have?2 What would you name them?Christopher,And heather Do you have a best friend?Yesh:3 Are they a guy/chick?Both Do they like you more than a friend?One does Do you drink?Maybe.. Do you like to party?Yes Do you smoke? What do you smoke? Have you ever been in LOVE?not realy but kinda(if that makes sense Do you believe in love?Yes just no true love Have you ever had your heart broken?yes Who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend?John Are you happy that you are no longer together?No Do you hate him/her for that?Kinda What is your favortie band/singer?Sleeping With Sirens What is your favorite song?If you cant hang What is your favorite movie?Dawn of the dead What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?Vanilla What is your favorite color?Black,Or blue Who is your best friend?Maya,and nick Do you know everything about them?yes How many siblings do you have?1 Are you happy with that?nope hate him:3 What are you listening to right now?Iris What was your last drink?Coca cola Who was your last kiss?Umm john Who was your last hug from?John(it was yesterday...) What is your favorite food?I really don't know Do you have more guy/girl friends?Guy Would you date any of your friends?Yes Is this survey getting on your nerves?Hell yes What was the last thing you watched on T.V?Umm Worlds dumbest? Do you know who E.T is?yes Do you believe in aliens?n Do you believe that all cheaters will always be cheater?Yes Do you believe in dying becasue of lost love?no Have you ever had someone close to you die?Yes What was his/her name?heather How did you know one another?she was my mom Who was your last txt from?Jake Your second?maya Your fifth?john Your ninth?matthew What did you last txt say?call me Your second?bye Your fifth?see you son Your ninthhello :3 last person you slept with?ummm idk last person you ate with?Maya last person you hit?Maya last person you cried over?John, and my mom last person you hugged?john last person you kissed?john last person you said "I LOVE YOU" to?john did you mean it? not really probably not right? last relationship lasted?2 months last hookup lasted?same last party was where?A cubhouse thingy

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Dec 31 2012, 02:36 PM

You write on your diary or on Witty , Wattpad all of the things that you want in a guy to give and show you. All the things that you want in your relationship to happen. You kept on wishing for a guy who will love you and who cares for you. That someone who will make you happy. For once, stop trying to get his attention. Turn around and notice that they are actually guys who would die for your attention. He is trying to make you fall in love with him. He may be awkward and quiet, but he is romantic and funny. Please, stop and just notice.

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Dec 31 2012, 02:28 PM

eeeep they made the song better(if that's even possible);) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LC_sEPtwVk

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Dec 31 2012, 01:06 AM


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Dec 30 2012, 07:32 PM

IM BORED! <(" )

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Dec 30 2012, 05:40 PM

I feel like i just had a heart attack damn(shaking so much right now)

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Dec 29 2012, 10:32 PM

Me:Jake I wont cut anymore if you don't jake:ok fine no more<3 NEXT DAY jake:im going to the hospital because I cant stop cutting..And by the way alex you never cared. I always cared about him and now he hates me:( And I thought I was finally happy...

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