Cause we are the only ones
And we will get up
And we are aware
Cause we've been through it
And we are the only ones
And we will carry
Each other on our own. Collapse, by Saosin
Keller Kindle
25 / Female / Saskatchewan, Canada
Member since:
Jan 19, 2013
Last online:
Jun 10, 2024
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
My favourite bands are, Caravan Palace, Gorillaz, Pierce the Veil, and NeverShoutNever.
I am 17 years old. I love cats and my favourite colour is pastel pink. If someone so much as lifts a hand to my niece I will break their neck <3
Favourite Music
Gorillaz - Demon Dayz album
Varisty - So Sad, So Sad
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
The White Stripes - Elephant album
We The Kings - So Far album
Favourite Films / TV / Books
The Grudge movies, The Honeymoon, Oculus, The Returned, Please Like Me., You're Next... Anything that includes lots of blood and gore now that I think of it... Lol.
Vampire Knight (Guilty), Naruto, Bleach, Black Bird, books with moar then 600 pages... Not large print.
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
Christofer Drew, Cyrus, Seth, Jonah, Alex, Sabryna, Phil Lester, Markiplier, Mars Argo, Damon Albarn