So sorry, it's sorry, it's over. there's so much more that I wanted and, there's so much more that I needed and, time keeps moving on and on and on...soon we'll all be gone
Man Overboard, by Blink-182
Member since:
Dec 21, 2011
Last online:
Dec 24, 2011
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hello, my name is adarah (uh_dare_uh). I'm 15, 5' tall, and I love to play the guitar<3. I love pikachu and I love big dogs. I like white boys with tattoos - sexiest thing ever. I don't date black guys -__- .. um, I love watching movies and I hate the winterr. :c I love shopping and I wear vans. & osiris'. I only wear skinny jeans. They make me feel free and what not. Anyways .. just add me or something <33.
Favourite Music
Brokencyde muthaafuckaa!
Nicki minaj<3
Any crunkcore & rap, basically. C:
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I dunt watch tv. Its for losers. Hunger games & twilight.. their the only books I've evar read. D:
Education / Occupation
I am currently in high school as a sophmore ..
I'm going to go to college and get a hella good paying job, then I'm gonna buy a big ass house, and party all night.
Who I'd Like To Meet
Se7en, Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson, Jeffree Star, Justin Beiber, Ke$ha.