I'm addicted to the wind as it blows me back and forth mindless, spineless and pretend of course ill be here again see you tomorrow but it's the end of today end of my ways as a walking denial my trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case addict with a pen, by Twenty One Pilots
Member since:
Dec 21, 2011
Last online:
Dec 24, 2011
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About Me
Hello, my name is adarah (uh_dare_uh). I'm 15, 5' tall, and I love to play the guitar<3. I love pikachu and I love big dogs. I like white boys with tattoos - sexiest thing ever. I don't date black guys -__- .. um, I love watching movies and I hate the winterr. :c I love shopping and I wear vans. & osiris'. I only wear skinny jeans. They make me feel free and what not. Anyways .. just add me or something <33.
Favourite Music
Brokencyde muthaafuckaa!
Nicki minaj<3
Any crunkcore & rap, basically. C:
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I dunt watch tv. Its for losers. Hunger games & twilight.. their the only books I've evar read. D:
Education / Occupation
I am currently in high school as a sophmore ..
I'm going to go to college and get a hella good paying job, then I'm gonna buy a big ass house, and party all night.
Who I'd Like To Meet
Se7en, Lady Gaga, Robert Pattinson, Jeffree Star, Justin Beiber, Ke$ha.