I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. The hand behind this pen relieves a failure every day. No One Puts Baby In The Corner, by Fall Out Boy
Amber Meowtastic
29 / Female / Candyland XD, United States
Member since:
Mar 17, 2012
Last online:
Oct 27, 2012
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About Me
Otay so chur on meh profile, might as well get tew know meh(: Ima Amber i tend tew change meh hair color alot gots a problem with that then gets off meh daymn profile chi bad word!!! I have a tattoo on meh back, its for meh grandpa that passed away in 2003 ( ♥ chu poppy) i have meh lip pierced and hopefully i will have snakebites XD im 16 years old i blow meh candles out on july 30th. Meh favorite colors are blue, purple and NEON!!!!!! I listen tew metal, screamo and a sprinkle of other stuff. Oh yeah meh eyes are meh kewlest feature!!! They change color like a boss...some people call me a scene kid or emo, but ima just meh C: and i woulds likes it if chu didnt label meh tanks(: ima very bright, loud, outgoing, all around fun person that everybody wants tew be around! anytime someone is around meh they cant help but smile and i always know how to bring someone's spirits right up! I may become chur friend or chur enemy. Chu decide.