Nikki Padilla
31 / Female / Manila, Philippines
Straight / Single
Member since:
May 14, 2009
Last online:
Dec 28, 2009
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About Me
"Make my day more Miserable and I'll make urs too"...
"Hai,..konichiwa,..If ur reading this well em IMeE but I must prefer if u call me NIKKI that's my nickname,..U can also call me EMILY some of my friends call me in that name but I don't really use it,..I am quite a m0oDy pErs0n but i'm fun to be with especially if u finally and really know me,..if I don't know you i'm very quiet but if u know me then i'm very talkative,..xD"
"Mmm,..wat else,..I love fASHION Very much even though fashion doesn't like me,..hahah,..xD,..I love different kinds of colors like rainbow with the combination of black,...
"I <3 CONVERSE,eyeliners,etc..,..I do cosplays sometimes especially when I feel bored,..I love SHOPPING I took hours finding and choosing an appropriate TeEs & sHirTs for mYseLf,..hahahah,.."
"I love weird stuffs,..I love gloomy bears Kawaii they're so cute urghh,..cuddly,..xD,..I'm a CAMwhoRe but I don't know what's my best angle,..hahah,..xD.."
"I <3 to draw,..I <3 to design things my room, shirts,..scrapbook,..wwatever,..I<3 pets especially black cats, cute meowrr,.. I LOVE to eat especially chocolates or sweet things,..I go hyper and sUPErb acTive when I eat one,..hahahah,..xD"
Favourite Music
* Alesana* A day to remember* A Skylit Drive* Attack Attack* Boys Like Girls* Bullet for my Valentine* Bring me the Horizon* Bless the Fall* Click 5* Chiodos* The Devil wears Prada* Daughtry* Dashboard Confessional* Evanescence* Escape the Fate* Eyes set to kill* Flyleaf* From first to Last* Fall out Boy* Finch, The* Fm static * Greenday* Hawthorne Heights* Hey Monday* Hinder* Hopes die last* Hello Goodbye* I killed the Prom Queen* Linkin Park* My Chemical Romance* Metro Station* Mayday Parade* Maroon 5* 30 seconds to MArs* Muse* New Found Glory* Nirvana* Paramore* Panic! at the Disco* Plain White T's* Red Jumpsuit Apparatus * Silverstein* Saosin* Simpleplan* Switchfoot* Secondhand Serenade* Slipnot* Typecast* Tokio Hotel* The Used*The Veronicas* Vanilla Sky* Yellowcard*Kittie*etc.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
NIghtmare Before Christmas..The Corspe Bride..Beetle Geuse..Sweeney Todd:the demon BArber of the Fleet Street..{all the makings of Tim Burton]..Deathnoe the LAst NAme..Deathnote Anime Version..Oresama..Boys Over Flowers..School Rumble..Jigoku Shoujo..Alice Academy..Twilight SAga..Wizards of waverly Place..etc. DA Vinci Code
Education / Occupation
Watashi Wa Gakusei Desu ..I'm in highschool and it sucks alot..urgh..I just hate school cause it sucks..
Who I'd Like To Meet
erm All my favorite bands maybe you or I don't know.. but I like to see Chris DakotA, Sam Llansing, Alex Evans and LukE nugent in person they are so freaking hot..
"Well,..Em just here to make FRIENDS,..seaRch for MUsiC and coLleCting fansigNs,..ahah,..wE can also tRade fansyns Just for Fun,.. No pErvs and Nasty comments allowed,..mMm iF u wAnT to bEfrIend mE Then chat with mE,..don't be sHy,..I don't biTe pEoPLe,.I eaT them,..hahah kIdDing,..xP,..and oh BTW no PoSeRS and hAteRs alLowEd I also don't like Liars here,..Don't u ever mesS me oR else u'll wish that u'll never been bOrn,..aLl mY ANTAGONIST go to hElL it's a VasT plAce,..i've been there haha,..xP"