Chelseia Hortman
37 / Female / Hotsprings Arkansas, United States
Straight / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jul 09, 2009
Last online:
Jul 10, 2009
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
hey im chelseia im a gutarist i like wrighting poetry and dancing wanna know more? talk to me and get to know me
Favourite Music
Atreyu,Kill Hannah,Bullet for my valentine,kill switch engage,HIM,nirvana,the used,msi,afi,blink182,all american rejects, breathe carolina,cradel of filth,Aiden,june,sevendust,action action,three days grace, Hinder,seether, puddel of mudd, medic droid, metro station, goo goo dolls, the yeah yeah yeahs, takeing back sunday, thursday, matalica,crazytown,greenday,good charlotte,cute is what we aim for,all time low,beck,punk goes crunk,calvery kids, 3 doors down, death cab cutie, dashbord confessional, eagle eye cherry, eve 6, cold play, rob zombie, fly leaf, lost prophets a day to remeber, and more
Favourite Films / TV / Books
inuyasha,family guy,auqa teen hunger force, death note,,full metal,maury,judge judy,jerry springer, and movies anything scary or funny hate books