Chelsie Parker
32 / Female / Bristol,Londion, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Apr 10, 2012
Last online:
Apr 21, 2012
Current rating: 8.0/10 (1 votes cast)
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About Me
Ello, I'm Chelsie Mariaa Parker :] I'm from the UK. There for my loves, I say 'Love' a lot. or 'Mate'. I have a Myyearbook. I will happily give you everything to add me (If you would like) I do not have a facebook because there is so much drama on there.....admit it, there is. I am Scene.......I guess. I have 32mm tunnels. I work at Hooters. I'm 19. I have a pretty messed up life. I'm Shy at first. So, Sh'all we talk love?
Favourite Music
How about I list my favorite Bands?
Asking Alexandria Disturbed
Bring Me The Horizon We Butter The Bread With Butter
Write This Down Icon For Hire
We Come As Romans I Set My Friends On Fire
Attack Attack You Get the Point Don't you? I love Bands & Mostly Screamo :3
Suicide Silence
Escape The Fate
The Devil Wears Prada
DubStep (Not a band, I know)
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Secret Life Of A American Teenager
The Amazing World Of GumBall
Adventure Time
Fairly OddParents
Bob The Builder
Stick My Foot Up your A**? lol JK i hardly Read Books.
The Human body is a beautiful form. You should love it like it's your child. No one should say that someone is prettier than the other....It may be true to you but to me, No. Every Human is beautiful equally, you may not agree with me but I honestly don't give a shit. Because you have your opinions & I have mine.I don't think I'm pretty but that's just me. Some people agree with my and some people disagree but I say "That's what you think.." But, my point is, don't be mean to the body you have saying "Oh, that's person is way prettier than me" or "I wish she I had her or His body" You should be happy with the form you were born with it may not what you wanted but you were born with it so you will love it. I'm not trying to be that stuck up bitch that says you should love everything in life because not everybody loves everything. Some people love everything but that's them, I'm talking to about you. Don't wish saying you want something because 95% of the time, you more then likely wont get it. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it's true and you know it.....or maybe your afraid of admitting I'm right. But, I'm just telling you what I think. It's my opinion and I'm not afraid of sharing my opinion <3