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I'm about to lose my mind you've been gone for so long I'm running out of time. I need a doctor call me a doctor I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life (beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) I Need A Doctor, by Eminem

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - damian


Damian Aurion
29 / Male / somewhere, Netherlands
Member since: Apr 02, 2012
Last online: Aug 10, 2016

Current rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes cast)

About Me

 hi ^^ i am 'damian'  <------ not my real name OMG sorry but if you wanna know you can just ask :P because i am here too meet awsome people .so just talk to me about anything. oh yeah i read on a lot of page's don't be shy i don't bite but i don't care i like being bitten :P oh yeah and i have this wierd thing that if you wisper in my ear from behind me i'll do anything you say because i love that :O
if you wanna know more about my dayly life  http://blizzard666.deviantart.com/  i blog here so good luck with that xD

Nickname: chiel damian yami

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hair color: light Brown

Tall or short: Tall

Hobbies: Music,being with friends, poetry , flirting :3

Sweats or Jeans: Jeans

Phone or Camera: Camera

Health freak: a lil 

Orange or Apple: both...i like both a lot O.O 

Do you have a crush on someone? yeah i have a boyfriend :D 

Eat or Drink: Both duh xD

Piercings: nope 

Pepsi or Coke: Coke :D



Been in a relationship: Yes

Been in a car accident: nope :D

Been in a fist fight: nope :D


First piercing: nevaaa

First best friend: flugel (this is a nickname xD)

First award: marbel contest xD

First crush: sanne

First word: love


Last person you talked to in person: daniel<3

 Last person you texted: alex

Last person you watched a movie with: alex and schelte 

Last food you ate: steak

Last movie you watched: saw

Last song you listened to: inject me sweety

Last thing you bought: cake and jam xD

Last person you hugged: alex


Food: Greek

Drinks: Coca cola chery

Flower: (osiria) Roses

Animal: Cats

Colors: Black,red,green

Movies: V for vendetta, stardust , bedazzeled

Subjects: You're kiddin right


(Put an X in the brackets if yes)

[x] in love with someone

[x] had your heart broken

[xx] had someone question my sexual orientation

[] got pregnant

[] had an abortion

[x] did something I regret

[x] broke a promise

[x] hid a secret

[x] pretended to be happy

[x] met someone who changed your life

[] pretended to be sick

[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it

[] cried over the silliest thing

[x] ran a mile

[x] got into an argument with your friends

[x] hated someone

[x] stayed single for 2 years



Eating: Chocolat 8D and cake 

Drinking: Water

Listening: inject me sweetly 

Sitting/Laying: Laying

Plans for today: talk too daniel more xD

Waiting: Till someone get's behind me and whispers in my ear 8D DO IT BITCHES


Want kids? no as in no never fucking ever

Want to get married? nah 

Career: teacher...opreferebly at inocent high :3



Lips or eyes: Lips

Shorter or taller: Taller

Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic

Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

Looks or personality: Personality



Snuck out of a house: no

Held a gun/knife for self-defense: yes

Killed somebody: No xD

Broken someone's heart: No

Been in love: Yes 



Yourself: Yes

Miracles: Yep

Love at first sight: sure

Heaven:  yes

Santa Clause: No

Kiss on the first date: Yes



Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes

Do you know who your real friends are: I sure as hell hope so :P

Do you believe in God: i guesse so

Favourite Music

christina grimmie
my chemical romance
escape the fate
flogging molly 
owl city 
and everything else will do too :P

Favourite Films / TV / Books

the big bang theory
vapire diary's
two and a half man
and i like most animee's too
things like tales of symphonia (the game was way better though)
tales of the abyss (god i wanna play that game)
princes princes (uhm if you know it i guess no coment needed xD)

Education / Occupation

school :O

Who I'd Like To Meet

everyone with an open mind and a free soul :P

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