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picture perfect that's what it seems they've got this whole thing figured out picture perfect, by Every Avenue

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - darkness_undisterbed


26 / Male / Springdale Arkansas, United States

Member since: Mar 05, 2013
Last online: Feb 21, 2016

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I am alone in this world
I have nobody to turn to for my troubles.
Nobody cares
Nobody listens
Nobody's there.
I dont like the feeling of being the only one at my school who has no friends, no associates, no aquantences.
I guess its ok.
I mean, i hate everybody.
Everybody hates me.
Its a fair trade.

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Mar 05 2013, 02:55 PM
Heya darkness_undisterbed welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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Mar 05 2013, 05:57 PM
its been about 13-14 days since i last saw that.....idk really what to call it.but for now, well call it grief.this entire story begins a couple weeks ago. i was on my bus going home when i got a feeling. it was a strange feeling. one you cant dismiss. it was fairly warm on the bus until i got this feeling. as soon as i did, the entire bus, to me at least, felt as though it were made of dry ice. then everything went dim. the kids went silent as the bus broke down. in the cold, dead, silence, i could hear the door squeak open. by this time i had realized, mrs.maggie, the bus driver, was knocked unconscious. i dont know how the doors opened, all i know is that they did. not 3 seconds after a strange, man like figure, appeared in the back row. this was grief. it stood up and slowly walked over to my seat.it sat down next to me and it.......it...it looked at me.....those eyes...that face.....the teeth......i didnt know what to think. it looked like somebody had taken a knife and cut off his skin, all of it....like when he was down to muscle, somebody drenched him in alcohol and set him ablaze. his eyes had no eyelids. his mouth had no lips...it had no possible way to make any facial expressions. it put its hand on my shoulder. at least i think it was a hand. it was shaped like one at least.it too was black.but it looked.......different. it looked as though he had taken a sharpie and colored it black. or maybe paint. that doesnt matter because the next thing that happened was so shocking....i apologize. i have to go now. i will write a part two. stay tuned for more. and dont forget.....this is a true story.

Mar 05 2013, 05:57 PM

its been about 13-14 days since i last saw that.....idk really what to call it.but for now, well call it grief.this entire story begins a couple weeks ago. i was on my bus going home when i got a feeling. it was a strange feeling. one you cant dismiss. it was fairly warm on the bus until i got this feeling. as soon as i did, the entire bus, to me at least, felt as though it were made of dry ice. then everything went dim. the kids went silent as the bus broke down. in the cold, dead, silence, i could hear the door squeak open. by this time i had realized, mrs.maggie, the bus driver, was knocked unconscious. i dont know how the doors opened, all i know is that they did. not 3 seconds after a strange, man like figure, appeared in the back row. this was grief. it stood up and slowly walked over to my seat.it sat down next to me and it.......it...it looked at me.....those eyes...that face.....the teeth......i didnt know what to think. it looked like somebody had taken a knife and cut off his skin, all of it....like when he was down to muscle, somebody drenched him in alcohol and set him ablaze. his eyes had no eyelids. his mouth had no lips...it had no possible way to make any facial expressions. it put its hand on my shoulder. at least i think it was a hand. it was shaped like one at least.it too was black.but it looked.......different. it looked as though he had taken a sharpie and colored it black. or maybe paint. that doesnt matter because the next thing that happened was so shocking....i apologize. i have to go now. i will write a part two. stay tuned for more. and dont forget.....this is a true story.

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