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I was raised in the valley, there were shadows and death. Got out alive but with scars I can't forget. Don't Go, by Bring Me The Horizon

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - deadandbroken


Martin J.
30 / Male / Tallinn, Estonia
Straight / Single
Member since: Nov 17, 2008
Last online: Dec 25, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Ahh.. Doesn't the rest of my profile already cover this?

Favourite Music

Bach, cello and violin pieces in particular. Most beautiful music I've ever heard.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

A Song of Ice and Fire series.
Currently reading "Mein Kampf". Not as bad as some might think

Education / Occupation

University 1st year

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Mar 10 2012, 08:33 AM
Heyy! Thanks for the add!! :D
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Dec 06 2011, 01:22 PM
Thanks. A few things have made me smile today :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Dec 06 2011, 08:44 AM
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :]
Emo Pictures - BlackRequiem
Aug 15 2011, 02:51 AM
Agreed. I LOVE those shows that are really thought-provoking. But of course, I'm always looking at the emotional aspect, too. Code Geass was a perfect combination of the two, don't you think? ^_^
Emo Pictures - BlackRequiem
Aug 13 2011, 02:19 AM
Hey there! I see you're into anime.... I'm kind of an otaku myself. Had a huge obsession with Code Geass and Death Note for a while. :P
Aug 11 2011, 01:24 PM
Ahh thats no fun i dont like the rain all that much ahah Not much really i had a hospital appointment so i went to that then just came home and now im chilling ^_^
Aug 11 2011, 01:14 PM
Yayy thats a good start hehe :3 how has your day been then ? ^_^
Aug 11 2011, 01:09 PM
Good surprised hopefully :3
Aug 11 2011, 10:52 AM
Thought i'd show you some love and drop you a line =] So how are you dude ? =]
Emo Pictures - AutiexScreamsxDeadx
Jun 17 2010, 04:08 AM
hey thanks for the add(:
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- Glorious cocain

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- A sunset in March

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- how to get lunch money

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- not a single word

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- Me and my Sister

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Dec 20 2014, 02:36 AM
It's been almost a month since the break up and I was just starting to get my life together when I found out she already found a new guy. She met the new guy a week before we broke up. No wonder she didn't have time for me... Hearing that opened up all the wounds again and added a few more. Two weeks before my birthday, a month before Christmas... Being so disposable is the worst feeling ever. If I had a gun I would have shot myself the moment I found out. Even had a dream where I had someone cut the artery in my leg. This morning I feel slightly better. I read some relationship advice and know that her rebound will come crashing down soon. I just want to tell her that I never want to meet anyone like her again. Might send a postcard.
Nov 26 2014, 01:04 PM
As i wrote in the poem, i had a break up. Ironically i just read my 2012 journal entry when i had my previous break up. So the girl i was dating...I met her in October last year at a school party and fell in love the same night. Her name was Rachel. She was sweet and cute and caring and beautiful. And very lazy, much like myself. She was also my..erm..first...and only. Today i rediscovered a gift she made me, a small notebook where she had written all the things she loved about me. I don't really cry but finding that was a tear jerker, even writing about it brings a tear into my eye. Anyways, it didn't matter whose place we were at, i did the cooking and cleaning, partially because she made me do it and partially because i knew i was better at it. We did great many things together and had fun. We had planned our future, named our children, picked out our house and car. For some naive reason i was sure that it would some day be indeed real life and not just fantasy. We also had fights and disagreements but nothing too serious. The reason we broke up was that in the last month(s) we had become become good friends, not lovers. We met on Sunday three days ago and ended it. The time i spent with her was the best time of my life and i have many good memories. I regret that it ended and miss her terribly. We spent so much time together that now my days are filled with emptiness. So far i have cried every day and that is something that hasn't happened to me since i was too young to remember. This break up had me rediscover the bands i hadn't listened to in years, and rediscover this site. One day i feel better again, this much i know :)
Nov 26 2014, 11:09 AM
I found myself back on this site. Of course the first i did was check my profile and see all the things i've written. Embarrassed at first but i must accept that i was young once ( and still am) and said some weird stuff. I finished high school in June this year and now go to university. I didn't aim high and settled for the one closest to me. I'm not sure if a degree in history is much use but it's what i'm interested in and want to study. I can always just start over with a new subject if i have to. Well now i'm off to update my profile and post a poem i just wrote in the forum. Feels nostalgic to be back
Nov 12 2012, 12:08 PM
18 in less than a month and guess what... Kreator and Morbid Angel are playing on the exact same day. Got my ticket already. Speaking of concerts I just went to one a few weeks back. Ended up in a mosh pit with a pub full of drunk skins :D ...and survived! Also there's an event in my school and my band is one of the performers. They are pretty enthusiastic :D We're doing a few Nirvana covers. Nirvana is such a good band...
Sep 21 2012, 08:27 AM
So. It's been about 4 months since my last visit? Happens :D Summer was fine. Chilled with friends, spent the days doing parkour, spent the nights playing Skyrim, had my hair cut short, met a really nice girl at a party (Y) School isn't bad. I got a bunch of new classmates and they're cool (with a few exceptions of course) and as selfish as it sounds I'm cool. AWWWYEAAH! :D I'll be off to update my profile. See ya!
May 28 2012, 09:15 AM
How long has it been...over a month?! Since my last login :D The weather is warm now. I like that. It was still snowing in April though. Everything blossoms and I had a great time standing under cherry trees last week. I've been learning parkour. I spend hours with my friend practicing and my parents are happy that I get my eyes off the screen sometimes :D
Apr 02 2012, 08:41 AM
Today was the first gig with my current band. It was great! We didn't fail at all and we all felt comfortable on the stage :) Maybe exept for the singer... she was terrified XD We're called Admire but sadly we're not big enough to have internet content. If we do manage to upload something I'll post it here.
Mar 29 2012, 12:48 PM
Had a break up few days ago. I don't even know what I'm going to do without her. She was the center of my world and I had completely dedicated myself to her. I guess complainging isn't going to change anything. I wish we'd still be the same...
Mar 21 2012, 12:14 PM
Today was really warm so I took a walk. The sunset was absolutely amazing. Well... It amazes me every time XD A sight so beautiful but melancholic... Faith in walking restored. About walking... Last Thursday I felt really bad so I got a bit drunk, took a knife and cut my leg but... I underestimated my strenght and ended up in a hospital. Got some stitches and I still limp. I'm never doing it again and suggest none of you do that either.
Mar 13 2012, 11:54 AM
Guess what. 11 days since last entry. I just recently got a Slayer poster and some stickers so I'm very happy. Btw... I'm having 2 gigs in the end of the month!

Dec 20 2014, 02:36 AM

It's been almost a month since the break up and I was just starting to get my life together when I found out she already found a new guy. She met the new guy a week before we broke up. No wonder she didn't have time for me... Hearing that opened up all the wounds again and added a few more. Two weeks before my birthday, a month before Christmas... Being so disposable is the worst feeling ever. If I had a gun I would have shot myself the moment I found out. Even had a dream where I had someone cut the artery in my leg. This morning I feel slightly better. I read some relationship advice and know that her rebound will come crashing down soon. I just want to tell her that I never want to meet anyone like her again. Might send a postcard.

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Nov 26 2014, 01:04 PM

As i wrote in the poem, i had a break up. Ironically i just read my 2012 journal entry when i had my previous break up. So the girl i was dating...I met her in October last year at a school party and fell in love the same night. Her name was Rachel. She was sweet and cute and caring and beautiful. And very lazy, much like myself. She was also my..erm..first...and only. Today i rediscovered a gift she made me, a small notebook where she had written all the things she loved about me. I don't really cry but finding that was a tear jerker, even writing about it brings a tear into my eye. Anyways, it didn't matter whose place we were at, i did the cooking and cleaning, partially because she made me do it and partially because i knew i was better at it. We did great many things together and had fun. We had planned our future, named our children, picked out our house and car. For some naive reason i was sure that it would some day be indeed real life and not just fantasy. We also had fights and disagreements but nothing too serious. The reason we broke up was that in the last month(s) we had become become good friends, not lovers. We met on Sunday three days ago and ended it. The time i spent with her was the best time of my life and i have many good memories. I regret that it ended and miss her terribly. We spent so much time together that now my days are filled with emptiness. So far i have cried every day and that is something that hasn't happened to me since i was too young to remember. This break up had me rediscover the bands i hadn't listened to in years, and rediscover this site. One day i feel better again, this much i know :)

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Nov 26 2014, 11:09 AM

I found myself back on this site. Of course the first i did was check my profile and see all the things i've written. Embarrassed at first but i must accept that i was young once ( and still am) and said some weird stuff. I finished high school in June this year and now go to university. I didn't aim high and settled for the one closest to me. I'm not sure if a degree in history is much use but it's what i'm interested in and want to study. I can always just start over with a new subject if i have to. Well now i'm off to update my profile and post a poem i just wrote in the forum. Feels nostalgic to be back

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Nov 12 2012, 12:08 PM

18 in less than a month and guess what... Kreator and Morbid Angel are playing on the exact same day. Got my ticket already. Speaking of concerts I just went to one a few weeks back. Ended up in a mosh pit with a pub full of drunk skins :D ...and survived! Also there's an event in my school and my band is one of the performers. They are pretty enthusiastic :D We're doing a few Nirvana covers. Nirvana is such a good band...

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Sep 21 2012, 08:27 AM

So. It's been about 4 months since my last visit? Happens :D Summer was fine. Chilled with friends, spent the days doing parkour, spent the nights playing Skyrim, had my hair cut short, met a really nice girl at a party (Y) School isn't bad. I got a bunch of new classmates and they're cool (with a few exceptions of course) and as selfish as it sounds I'm cool. AWWWYEAAH! :D I'll be off to update my profile. See ya!

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May 28 2012, 09:15 AM

How long has it been...over a month?! Since my last login :D The weather is warm now. I like that. It was still snowing in April though. Everything blossoms and I had a great time standing under cherry trees last week. I've been learning parkour. I spend hours with my friend practicing and my parents are happy that I get my eyes off the screen sometimes :D

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Apr 02 2012, 08:41 AM

Today was the first gig with my current band. It was great! We didn't fail at all and we all felt comfortable on the stage :) Maybe exept for the singer... she was terrified XD We're called Admire but sadly we're not big enough to have internet content. If we do manage to upload something I'll post it here.

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Mar 29 2012, 12:48 PM

Had a break up few days ago. I don't even know what I'm going to do without her. She was the center of my world and I had completely dedicated myself to her. I guess complainging isn't going to change anything. I wish we'd still be the same...

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Mar 21 2012, 12:14 PM

Today was really warm so I took a walk. The sunset was absolutely amazing. Well... It amazes me every time XD A sight so beautiful but melancholic... Faith in walking restored. About walking... Last Thursday I felt really bad so I got a bit drunk, took a knife and cut my leg but... I underestimated my strenght and ended up in a hospital. Got some stitches and I still limp. I'm never doing it again and suggest none of you do that either.

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Mar 13 2012, 11:54 AM

Guess what. 11 days since last entry. I just recently got a Slayer poster and some stickers so I'm very happy. Btw... I'm having 2 gigs in the end of the month!

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