About Me
Heyy there, **waves** im dottieyyy^^
living life is what I do..
fluffy animals
taking picutes
being on msn and skype..[[just ask]]
singing..[[even though I suck]]
being unique
going to concerts
texting..[[ask for my number]]
all kinds of music
my family..[[sometimes]]
my amazing friends
typing a bunch of eextraaa lettersss forrrr no reasssonnn
being kind to others
meeting and talking to new people
making new friends
expressing myself in a unique way[[:
making haters;is also what I do..
rude people
being called names
being judged
when people copy me
the dark
when people call me emo..[[im scene]]
fake bitches trying to be friend
getting stabbed in the back by someone I thought I could trust
eating meat..[[i think its cruel]]
animal/domestic/child abuse
getting made funn of for being who I am
being alone
people who dont support
.:love is love;;love is equal:.
you can help who you fall in love with, no matter who are, what you do, how you act, or who you love..
no one should be judged, hated, or discriminated against just because they fall in love with the same gender!!
so no matter what color your love may be,
have pride and let it shine<333

Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet