I can't decide if you're wearing me out or wearing me well
I just feel like I'm condemned to wear someone else's hell Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge, by Marilyn Manson
32 / Female / Fuckville, Bhairab Bazar, Bangladesh, Germany
Not Sure / Single
Member since:
Mar 06, 2009
Last online:
Mar 07, 2009
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About Me
nice self-confident strong moody caring helpful perfectionist ambitious honest chocolate-addicted sun-adoring indifferent pms-sick happy sad curious optimistic talkactive different tolerant open god-believing tv-addicted impulsive serious labello-addicted supersticious ironic direct uncomplicated complicated straightforward philosophizing complicated ruminative xylometazolinehydrochlorid-addicted artistically young playful dangerous unpredictable wild
music is my life. music in a movie makes us laugh or cry. music helpf us to get over every hurt. without music life wouldn..t be as emotional as it..s now.
fashion is my passion....(xD) fashion makes us talk about each other. fashion is personality. without fashion life wouldn..t be as colourful as it..s now.
art is my life. art is emotion. art is everything. without art life wouldn..t make any sense.