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When I tell you I`ll be fine I still want you by my side please just try to read between the lines where`s my comfort in the undefined please just try to read between the lines The Lines, by Beartooth

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - emcified


Cyd Mürda
16 / Female / RAWR, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since: Apr 01, 2024
Last online: Aug 29, 2024

Current rating: 9.5/10 (6 votes cast)

About Me

erp on my derp til i merp

Favourite Music

pop-punk mostly ... pat!d , ptv , sws , fir , blink, PXNDX .. so many more, i also like alesana and 

evanesence .. i LOVE brokencyde so so much.. im always up for music suggestions! 

Favourite Films / TV / Books

i love coraline and corpse bride the most! i really enjoy teotfw and my fav movie at the moment would be 'suicide room' .. i also rlly enjoy the movie manic (2001) 

i dont watch shows.

Education / Occupation

hs sucks

Who I'd Like To Meet

anyone + everyone .. just one lonely girl on her computer I NEED FRENDZ

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