Nothing to tie one to a crime
And if you seek vengeance
All you need are instruments of pain.
You need your
Knives? Check.
Rope? Check.
Dagger? Check.
Chains? Check.
Rocks? Check.
Laser Beams? Check.
Acid? Check.
Body Bag? Check. Murmaider, by Dethklok
Adriana Munoz
23 / Female / Dexter, NM, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Dec 07, 2013
Last online:
Sep 12, 2014
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hi, I'm Adriana. I'm American/ Mexican/ and Indian, I'm 4 feet and 9inches. I'm a love ling, crazy, weird, fun, sad, athletic, and a great person to talk to. I play sports, write poems, write songs, sing, street dance, self harm, four wheeler ride. I like animals but, I don't like cats. I like the colors black , dark blue, and dark purple. I try my best not to hurt the ones around me. so if you have any questions or wanna get to know each other this is how to contact me: snapchat/ adrianacandy24
Feeling weak, and hopeless, nothing new. I have know idea what I would have done if I stayed another hour at school. Stupid friends. Not really friends, just attention seeking sluts, some of them , some do have a heart. To think not a heart for life. I had to go to the doctor, he wanted to check my hand and he almost got my wrist. I freaked and I told me mom the "truth". So glade that she believed it. Wish me luck school tomorrow, more stupid fights with some sluts and more name calling. Lets just hope that I don't hang my faith.
Today, finally no school. I can't believe that I lost all my friends to there damn boyfriends. Now, their calling me a slut. will that's normal, its like everyday since the passed 4 years. I bet people have the same stupid " friends". Hello blades, nice to know you care. Friend me if you have problems I want you to know I care ok. message me and you will see the someone is there for.