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Never caught my breath Every second I'm without you I'm a mess I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes), by The Used

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - emokiller


Joseph Castillo
32 / Male / Tucson, Arizona, United States
Bisexual / Single & Looking
Member since: Feb 10, 2009
Last online: Mar 05, 2024

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Name: Joseph B. Castillo

Religion: Atheist

Politics: Too boring to even care

Interest's: Reading, Bloging, Hacking, Listening to music, Watching movies, Playing video games.

About me: I am a very shy person, i do not like hanging around people; i perfer to always be alone. I hate loud and annoying people.  

Favourite Music


Favourite Films / TV / Books

Anything that is interesting.            Anything with excitement and adventure.                

Education / Occupation

College: Pima Community College

Dream Job: Fixing computers for a living

Who I'd Like To Meet

Someone who will make me smile for who i am.

Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 28 2009, 06:53 PM


Uhm I guess I wish you luck.

So you going to go to collage then?

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 24 2009, 10:02 AM


Try arguing with her and maybe that will; get you somewhere.

I know parents are stubborn but atleast arging will get you two too talking and finding out what the hell is wrong.

I'm sorry if that is bad advice.

I hope everything works out alright.

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 23 2009, 11:45 AM

Thats good.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

:[ Thats no good.

Try talking to her. Just ask her whats her deal. (Not so rude though. Orelse parents get pretty bitchy when you do.)

Ask her if she wants you to get a job or not. Or maybe its the kinda of job your applying for. That may be it.

Is it a good job that gives  you good money? Isnt far away (Because of gas money.)  Isnt like a fast food place? That may be it.

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 22 2009, 09:53 AM

I guess so...

That's good. School almost out yet for you?

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 19 2009, 04:35 PM

Angry Frustrated Confused Nervous. I had a pretty awf day you could say. But life is suppose to be like that, isn't it? A total jerk at times and rewards you with a break. Makes you feel guilty or makes you feel like you have nothing to be sorry for.Makes you feel like you could vomit or makes you feel exstaic for the day to be over. But then it could be a jerk and suprise you by making you have to go to s stupid mandtory meeting at school just when you thought you were out!

Gah, but life is like that right? So I guess it would all be called normal. So I guess I had a sadly just another normal day:(

(Sorry, I'm a little frustrated right now.)You?

May 15 2009, 08:14 PM
yeah one thing
just one :P
May 12 2009, 04:34 AM
now for a website for emoes, there sure arent much emoes here XD
hows it going??
Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 05 2009, 03:36 PM


Maybe you should go do collage part time! Because 40 is alot!

Then while your part time at collage you do part time as caost gaurd and work as a computer programer. Some jobs, I think, sometimes, help give you money for school stuff. And the higher the education the higher you get paid. Our councelor was talking to us (school) that most jobs if you go to collage the more education you get the higher they'll pay you.:]

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
May 04 2009, 04:02 PM

No kidding?



Are you ready to just take off and head off to collage? Did you already apply and all that other junk?

Wow! That's alot of money.

Emo Pictures - InvisableGirl
Apr 30 2009, 05:48 PM


That's good your trying to make it up to them.:]

Er- well. I'm just going to be in 9th grade after the rest of this school year (Thank gosh only a mth and a half left of the school year) but..... Hmmmm......

I think maybe you should stay and chill out the rest of the year. Just take a few electives and leave early......

I mean unless you think your ready for the world and have the money or scholar ships for collage then I'd say go for it.

But if not maybe if you take a few electives and leave early for the rest of highschool and do some commuity work then go to collage.

Just don't do anything until you are ready to.........


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