You said this could only could better. There's no rush because we have each other. You said this would last forever, but now I doubt if I was your only lover. Harder Than You Know, by Escape The Fate
Member since:
Jul 29, 2013
Last online:
Aug 25, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
okay, well im 13, female, and I wouldn't exactly class myself as emo... I have dark purple/black hair which I dyed for the summer hols! otherwise I have ombre hair, which I backcomb, I am thinking of having a sweeping fringe?!? my favourite colour is grey! im confused, can you be half-emo? because im not interested in the guys who my friends like! I prefer dark hair, pale-ish skin swept fringe (not really long though) whereas they all like : olive skinned, short-ish haired, blond guys! so im straight and it says 'and looking' but some people would say thats silly bcause im so young, but I would like a relationship because ive never had a proper one because ive never been into the guys that you typically see. so the reason I signed up is really only to find out if this is who I want to be! im not a shy or quiet person ive always been confident and I think I always will be, but im getting quieter. I like the same sort of music as my other friends but I like rock/punk music aswell.
Favourite Music
any really im not fussed! I love The Midnight Beast though.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I love all the Harry Potters and ...ekkk..this is embaracing...I LOVE the Pirates Of The Caribbean films!!! I also love Pitch Perfect
I like most scary/horror films, though im not scared of them.
I HATE tv soo much that it shouldn't be legal :/ ...
HARRY POTTER!!!! all 7!!!
I love the 'Beautiful Creatures' series aswell
Education / Occupation
in secondary school :/
Who I'd Like To Meet
The Midnight Beast!!!!!!!!!! pink, bon jovi, bastille ellie goulding ect...